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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
The 4K DVX200 plus previous Panasonic Pro Line cams: DVX100A, DVC60, DVC30.

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Old November 25th, 2004, 09:28 AM   #1
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The Difference Between dvx100a and pd150

can you guys give me the pros and cons about these cameras? i have a pd150 and am thinking about geting a dvx100a but i need to know if i already have the pd150 do i need to go out and get the dvx100a(going for film look and sharper footage) HELP
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Old November 26th, 2004, 06:23 PM   #2
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you'll dig the 24p look.
It makes DV forgivable for lack of better term.
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Old November 28th, 2004, 10:53 AM   #3
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not to mention the gamma configuraitons, and lowlight performance. Some say the PD is better, im yt to see evidence of this in PAL land (where im at)
Theyre both brilliant cams, but the DVX has many more features such as balanced weight distribution, whide angle lense which doesnt make the cam top heavy, uilt in stereo mic (trust me, when filming live events with audio off a PA (like a wedding) this comes in handy as opposed to having one shotgun mic. if you could find a stereo mic with 2 XLR inputs, then you could prolly get similar results with a PD.
umm. what else.. progresive scan, slow shutter (i was filmin the moon tonight with some clouds passing before it.. 1/3 shutter... bright and cleaner than the naked eye.

oh not to mention the incredible viewfinder, and the way all your recording data is layed out before u during filming.

Another thing is that you dont have to connect the camera to mains to charge a battery.. thats one thing i despise.. your forced to buy an external charger...

DVCam.. i fail to see any benefit of the format in my 4 yrs using both cams combined.. I use MQ tapes from panasonic and ive never had a drop out. As for reliability, as i said, i am yet to see footage side by side from both formats which shows the DVCam format being superior. I havent so i still with standard recording.

Oh and one other thing, the DVX has "scene files" and a true lense as opposed to an electronic lens. What this means is that when u zoom with the ring, u literally move the glass. Its not as tight as id like it to be, but the camera gives a perfect readout. The XL2 and PD cams all run electronic signal lenses being that theyre infinite and u can literally spin away to a fixed speed (u can do this with a dvx with the zoom rocker if ur not confident zooming by hand.

What else.. oh.. iris stepping is almost non existant compared to either the XL2 and PD170. opening and closing the iris is smooth transition and to the naked eye at normal speeds its unnoticable. with teh other cams, u WILL defineately notice this..

and one thing people dont liek to talk about is automaitc controls. Regardless of what anyoen says, autoamtic functins ARE important.. especially to newbies. Many people wont know what does what and rely on auto features to help them thru the learning curve. On top of that, it helps people like me take "apprecintices" onboard filming jobs and know that i will at least get a decent image. Focis, iris, and ATW are very accurate and extremely fast. Back focus is also perfect (ie i can zoom in to a subject, focus. stick it in auto and pull out and it will retain then subject in focus. I tried to do this with the XL2 and all i got what sporadic Focus Finding pulses whch killed the shot. you can literaly see it find focus then lose it. It was very smooth and very obvious and as i pulled out in perfect sync, I knew it wasnt a one off thing. Its teh way the camera find focus.

theyre all good cams, but im stickin with the pana as it does what it says it will do and more.
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Old November 28th, 2004, 07:32 PM   #4
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And that's why I'm upgrading from the VX2100 to the 100A!
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