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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
The 4K DVX200 plus previous Panasonic Pro Line cams: DVX100A, DVC60, DVC30.

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Old February 25th, 2007, 06:24 PM   #46
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DVC30 or DVX100B for 2nd Cam?

I already a DVC30 which I love due to it's low light capabilities for my event filming. Now ready to invest in another camera, I'm down to either another DVC30 (have to be quick they're discontinued now!) or a DVX100B.

DVC30 is cheaper plus I wont confuse my tiny mind with quickly shifting to a new set of controls \ menus when the pressue is on (albeit very similair to the DVX I am assuming). Plus of course no matching issues in post.

How does the DVX compare to the DVC30 in low light?, better due to the 1/3 chip? Do you think it would be a right royal pain matching them?

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Old February 25th, 2007, 09:01 PM   #47
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the dvc30 is VERY similar in menu options ot teh DVX100z..

difference in low light is obvious.. theyre different sized ccd's

one thing i shoudl point out is colour matching in post.
the DVC30 is a bitch to match with DVX, despite the gamma controls, it comes nowhere near the DVX.. to give u an idea, when compared to the DVX, you will ditch the 30 and stick with the 100.. i was looking at the 30 as second cam, but when i took it out for test run shooting a wedding, the unit couldnt live up to the 100's standard. In identical light, with "identical" settings, the cameras were still vastly different to a point of not being able to use the 2 as intercut rolls.

Dont get me wrong, the 30 is a brilliant unit, but i took mine back. As you already have a 30, i say get another if DV is al you need.
If u want a throwaway camera with similar feathers and VERY similar (if not sharper) images, you could try the GS400 (stear clear of the 500)
If you wnat to go up a notch, go the 100, but dont expect them to have the ability to match without some pretty horrific tmie spent Colour correcting4got to mention, there are afew posts abotu this already, and ive written detailed responses in teh past.. do a search u might find something
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Old February 26th, 2007, 08:55 AM   #48
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Thanks Peter, I looked at the GS400 but I need low-light capability and research is showing it's lacking in that area.

Another 30 is the best option other than I'm finding impossible to source one (UK) due to it being discontinued.

Would matching DVC30 \ DVX footage be easier slapping on a Magic Bullet preset and tweaking it?

Last edited by Dan Burnap; February 26th, 2007 at 10:18 AM.
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Old March 15th, 2007, 02:42 AM   #49
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DVC30 & DVX100 Editing

Currently I do mainly low light event shooting on my DVC30 (PAL) using 1\25 shutter speed (Field mode). 1\25 is good for me as it lessens the need for gain during my low light shoots, plus I like the look...although I'm hoping to be able to use 25P on my DVX100E (PAL) I'm soon to be taking delivery of.

When using both cameras I know I'll have matching issues, that's something I'm prepared to live with as the DVC30 will now just be used for fill in \ B roll. Plus I'll be using Magic Bullet which will hopefully reduce the difference a bit.

My question is this: What modes should I shoot with both cameras to keep and what project settings should I use in Premiere Pro to be able to use both cameras footage on the same timeline. (final output will be on DVD)


P.S. Is the DVX100E the PAL version of the DVX100 or DVX100A?

Last edited by Dan Burnap; March 15th, 2007 at 10:28 AM. Reason: additional question
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Old March 16th, 2007, 04:45 PM   #50
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Anyone help me on this please??, pretty please?
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Old March 30th, 2007, 08:59 PM   #51
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I am cutting a project using DVX's and DVC's right now. I use Vegas as my NLE.

All cameras were shot 60i @ 1/60th

I wanted to shoot 30p, but the resolution loss on the DVC was too great.

If you are using the Full Magic Bullet Suite, the one that actually rips 60i to 24p, then I would start with something like this:

DVX's- 24p, cine gamma (make sure you go in the menu's and set the scene files up the same, especially if they are rentals). The individual settings in the scene file will have a lot to do with the type of project you are doing.

DVC- Movie Like scene file, but change the frame rate from 30p to 60i (so that magic bullet has the most resolution to work with). Keep in mind you lose a ton of resolution on the DVC's progressive mode.

I highly recommend tweaking the DVC to match the DVX's as closely as possible before shooting. I had them super close, but I still can't get it dialed in as close as I would like.

I hope this post makes's late and I am awfully tired ;)
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Old April 1st, 2007, 05:05 AM   #52
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Thanks Kevin, that's really helpful info.
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Old June 15th, 2007, 09:40 AM   #53
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DVC30 or DVC60

i'm trying to decide between these two. I don't need anything as fancy and expensive as the DVX. I like the DVC60 for its built in XLR ports, i do like the shoulder mount but for shooting snowboarding it will be difficult. Although my main use is for shooting small clips for website for companies. I am a professional photographer and have some video background. but i just haven't been into video for a long time so i am not up with whats good and what isn't. these two cameras are in my price range and i had considered a GL2.
what are the pros and cons of these two cameras? they are both the same price, and sound plays a moderate role in what i am doing shooting motorsports and small clips for some companies. So i would need the XLR adapter for the DVC30. id love to hear opinions from people that have either or have used both.

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Old June 18th, 2007, 07:07 AM   #54
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120 views and none of you have anything to say?
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Old June 18th, 2007, 04:45 PM   #55
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first of all the DVC30 is discontinued so if you decide geting one it could be second hand or finding a store with stock (maybe this is the hard part).
Both cams have the same video quality. As far as I know the DVC60 has a useless small LCD but when the camera stands on the shoulder I guess it is good(but thats when the electronic viewfinder comes in the play too).
The DVC60 has built in XLR but no phantom power, the DVC30 has no XLR but with the Panasonic MYA30G you get all that you need (level controls-phantom power-2XLRs-attenuator-channel selector).
The DVC30 is not shoulder mount but with a descent camera grip it could be fine, plus its detachable handle makes it easy to transform.
It is true that the 60 is bigger and looks more pro (if that matters).
As comparing with the GL2 the DVC60-30 are the winners in a few points.

there are some good reviews you could check

with either one I think you wont regret it. But think twice what are your needs.
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Old September 19th, 2007, 02:26 PM   #56
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dvc30 vs dvx100b

why is it when I turn on my dvx100b, I always have to click on the auto buttom to have it make the picture look normal. Compared to when I turn on my dvc30 and the colors are perfect right away.
Is there a setting in my dvx100b that will always make it go right to auto color?
Kind of a pain if you ask me. I just want the camera to adjust automatically.
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