audio with on-board mic sucks? at
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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
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Old January 13th, 2004, 01:38 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: eagle mountain, Utah
Posts: 3
audio with on-board mic sucks?

I was using the on-board mick for some simple stuff and when you play back the volume level is really low. the volume was all the way up and I cannot find any additional settings. my trv310 volume is really loud when using the camera mic so I thought a 3500 dollar camera would be better. anyone else have a problem or do I not have something set right.
thanks again

Sean Stephens
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Old January 13th, 2004, 11:05 PM   #2
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DVX100e Audio

Mine is low too compared to my GL2, and when I hooked up an AT835b I got a lot of 60Hz hum even with a balanced cable. I also noticed that the audio from the on board mic and the XLR are so far apart 9in time) that if you use one internal and one external it sounds totally wierd! They are both off a few frames too.

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Old January 14th, 2004, 03:05 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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i have absolutely no complaints about teh onboard mic, in fact, i do alot of quiet and loud work (v8 showcars) and audio is fine.. i only use a shotgun for speach, and radio mics for seminars, but apart form that, its all onboard sound.. the bass freq it picks up are very nice and clean with zero distortion.

Thats jsut my opionion, but im happy with it

"I also noticed that the audio from the on board mic and the XLR are so far apart 9in time) that if you use one internal and one external it sounds totally wierd! They are both off a few frames too"

I havent expereinced that problem...
how far apart are the mics from each other AND the subject...?
It could be a simple thing like perception, as the data is all recorded at once, it may seem that there is latency, when in fact there isnt...

for wedding vows, i use a lapel mic, as well as the shitgun and have never had problems..
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Old February 16th, 2004, 05:55 AM   #4
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picking up unwanted sounds

I've noticed that with the on-camera mic, you can hear the sound of the zoom lens turning, or anytime you touch the camera to make an adjustment, it picks up that sound too. Didn't have that problem with other cameras -- they were somehow able to know not to pick up internal camera noises. Is there a way to minimize these unwanted sounds with the DVX onboard mic?
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Old February 16th, 2004, 09:21 AM   #5
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson :

for wedding vows, i use a lapel mic, as well as the shitgun and have never had problems.. -->>>

Damn, that must be one messy wedding! They pay you for that? :D

I have the DVC80, which I assume has the exact same mic hardware and electronics, and it sounds OK. I wouldn't classify it as mind-blowing, but it works fine and I keep my audio levels right in the middle. I typically use an external XLR mic, though -- isn't the first rule of videography, "Never use the on-cam mic"?

As for the sound being out of sync -- isn't this a known problem with sound being 1 to 2 frames off when shooting in 24p?

Sean: "so I thought a 3500 dollar camera would be better..."

Well, I'd say it's a better *camera* in many ways. Unforunately, most camera makers are concerned more with optics than audio. I'm reading Jay Rose's book and he makes a great comparison to Sony's audio specs for their audio equipment vs. available specs for their video equipment -- they (and other cam manufacturers) often treat audio as a secondary concern when it comes to their cameras. A more expensive camera doesn't mean that *every* feature will be better than what you already have.
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Old February 16th, 2004, 09:48 AM   #6
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According to the stats, sound charts etc. with an XLR external mic, the sound is outstanding. It's just not a camera that's as concerned with those folks who plan to use the on-board mic extensively (obviously when you can hear the zoom). I think it put a target on independant film makers who will be setting up shots ets. and holding a boom or using lapels and makes no apologies for this.
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Old February 18th, 2004, 07:45 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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"According to the stats, sound charts etc. with an XLR external mic, the sound is outstanding. "

Absolutely... im even using the crummy standard Pana shotgun which came with my DVX and it still sounds incredible, but the icing on teh cake is runngi the Sennheiser EW100 though it.. no word of a lie, the quality and clarity of this pair will shock you.. for a tiny head smaller than a 5c piece (i think its a dime in the US) the frequency response is astounding ...

as for the shitfight, mate, ive doen some weddings where its come REALLY close to that.. LOL
Peter Jefferson is offline   Reply

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