Hearing Crackling While Adjusting Audio Levels at DVinfo.net
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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
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Old December 3rd, 2003, 01:41 PM   #1
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Hearing Crackling While Adjusting Audio Levels

I noticed, last night, as I adjusted my audio settings I heard a fuzzy noise....almost like when an old reciever gets dust behind the knob. I was using phantom power to an ME66 at the time so I turned off the internal power and switched back to the onboard mic and fiddled with the levels and I didn't hear the fuzz. It seemed to be isolated to using an external mic via phantom power. Has this appeared to anyone else. Why? I keep it sealed away from dust and dirt and have used the camera, in general, on very rare occasions (in other words it's not used daily, day in and day out).
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Old December 3rd, 2003, 04:45 PM   #2
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Are you sure your cables are OK? Sounds like a problem with

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old December 3rd, 2003, 09:19 PM   #3
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Captured some video from that night and noticed audio glitches. It's kinda hard to explain- every so often out of one of the speakers or both...I hear a feint digital blips during vocals. Almost like a digital distortion but more like a quick feint beeping noise. I zoomed in really close on the timeline to isolate one of those noises I was hearing in the waveform and noticed a visual anormality acommanied the noise. A little cluster of maybe 4 or 5 white pixels showed up during that frame. Now it diddn't show up during every blip...just once. I also got one really large sloppy sounding 2 second audio drop-out. I know this must sound crazy but I'm trying my best to describe it. I'll send someone a sample avi to show them what I'm talking about if need be.

What could this be? I mean, I had problems early on with this camera with artifacting etc but thought the problem was gone once I ran the headcleaner and switched to MQ tapes. Apparently not- now I'm getting audio problems. Though it might be isolated to using the external Senheisser ME66 with phantom power.

Rob, you think it could be the XLR cable that was causing the fuzzy noise when moving the audio levels? If so then why did I exhibit a visual artifact during one of the feint bleeps in my audio?! I'm at wits end- it seems like I run into one problem after the next with the DVX, videography, and tapes...etc. Nothing can ever run smooth. Anyone with insite please help. Thanks in advance.

PS I was recording without the battery. Had the adapter plugged right into the DVX. Could that cause any problems while shooting? I doubt it but I figured I'd ask beings I've always done shoots with the battery attached.
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Old April 25th, 2004, 03:08 AM   #4
New Boot
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audio dropout

Just had a similar problem as yours back in december.
how did you solve it?
Im going down the road of throwing away my sony[dv p60mr2]tapes
and trying my next shoot with the pana mq tapes.
Ill also try cleaning the heads with the pana supplied tape head cleaner.any tips greatly apreciated
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Old April 25th, 2004, 10:19 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Don't mix Sony tapes with any other brand, EVER. I use Sony tapes so this isn't a grip against Sony. Sony uses different tape lubricant to everyone else. If you mix them ( ie play a Panasonic tape in your Sony player, then play a Sony tape it can ruin that Sony tape creating video adn audio drop outs. had it happen a few times before the old brain learned!!!) The best advice I can give is stick with one brand and even tape type within a brand and you will not have any problems.

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