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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
The 4K DVX200 plus previous Panasonic Pro Line cams: DVX100A, DVC60, DVC30.

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Old May 23rd, 2003, 11:33 AM   #1
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DVX 100 and Magic Bullet

Has anyone used the DVX 100 in conjunction with Magic Bullet? If so, what are your impressions?
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Old May 24th, 2003, 02:03 AM   #2
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umm, why would you want to? The camera already does it.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 03:37 AM   #3
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I got this from Red Giant:

“If Magic Bullet converts video to 24p, what's the relationship between the Bullet and Panasonic's new 24p DV camera, the DVX100?
The Orphanage was one of the first companies to have access to the DVX100 for testing, and they are extremely excited about what Panasonic has done with the camera. If you shoot with its standard 24p mode, you can use After Effects to remove the 3:2 pulldown for 23.976p. If you shoot with the 24pA mode, you must use something like Cinema Tools to create the 23.976p material. This can be done without recompressing, and allows 24p editorial in Final Cut Pro.

This means you won't need Magic Bullet's Deinterlacing feature, but you will still greatly benefit from its Deartifacting technology, which cleans up the blocky color artifacts present in all DV footage. Additionally, with it's "cine-gamma" function, the DVX100 shoots footage that works very well in Look Suite. The combination of the DVX100 and Magic Bullet Suite is currently The Orphanage's most highly recommended 24p DV solution.”

Apparently, the Deartifacting and MB's Look Suite make the DVX100 even better in terms of creating a film look. So I was wondering if anyone used MB with the DVX100 yet.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 05:46 AM   #4
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get the demo and check it out for yourselves. But be warned, the look suite is very slow, easily 7-10 sec for each frame.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 10:14 AM   #5
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Yeah, I'm undecided myself on Magic Bullet. I have downloaded the demo but still setting up a new system for editing. It's a screamingly fast system, but I don't know if it will make MB rendering times reasonable enough for use or not.

The deartifacting tools are the only ones that are really compelling - but shooting in thin mode may reduce this anyway.

I wish Red Giant would split the plugins up for those of that don't need many of them. $1000 is pretty steep for the indie market.
stephen v2
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Old May 26th, 2003, 08:58 AM   #6
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what's your screamingly fast system? it'd better not be a MAC, just for reference, my AMD 2100+ takes about 3 hours for a 3 min clip
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Old May 26th, 2003, 09:14 AM   #7
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I average between 5 and 10 seconds a frame depending on what features I turn on or off. This is on a dual processor 450 Mac. I have a professional acquaintance that uses MB with his dual 1.4GHz Mac and he tells me he gets times between 2 and 4 seconds a frame.

It looks like you're averaging a frame a second with your AMD 2100.
Jeff Donald
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Old May 26th, 2003, 09:38 AM   #8
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You're right, it's not a mac. It's a 875p (Canterwood chipset) with a 3.0 Ghz 800FSB, 2 GB of DDR400 running RAID0 SATA 10k rpm Western Digital Raptors. Have a 3 other WD drives for video, rendering.

It also has a fake aquarium in the side panel :)

It renders AE about as fast as dual 2.0 GB Xeons for about a third the price.
stephen v2
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Old May 26th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #9
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It all depends on what i am encoding, at 3ghz (p4) it takes me around 2 1/2 to 3 hours per 3 minutes.


ps. jeff with your uber mac love powers, think you could sift through some repair stores or hook a few favours with mates and find me a smp mac motherboard say around 550mhz a piece, with an agp port if they came with them.

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Old May 26th, 2003, 10:13 AM   #10
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jeff Donald : I average between 5 and 10 seconds a frame depending on what features I turn on or off. This is on a dual processor 450 Mac. I have a professional acquaintance that uses MB with his dual 1.4GHz Mac and he tells me he gets times between 2 and 4 seconds a frame.

It looks like you're averaging a frame a second with your AMD 2100. -->>>

Yeop, which is great compared to his currently top-of-the-line 1.4ghz dual mac, the 2100 is actually only 1.8ghz and is now on the slow side of the PC line. My actual times were probably even faster, Im just trying to remember the times I was getting.
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Old May 29th, 2003, 08:56 AM   #11
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yes i wish that they had a consumer version, a grand for this software, as good as it is, costs almost three times what we paid for our NLE.

Maybe if they had a lower end version that had only a fraction of features and cost a few hundred dollars that would be great, and you could buy moudles one at a time as needed.
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Old May 29th, 2003, 10:15 AM   #12
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Here's what I wrote Red Giant. I will also post their reply:

It would be great if Magic Bullet unbundled their one-size-fits-all approach. Folks like myself who have a AG-DVX100 and a 24p editing setup have no need for Magic Bullet Interlace filter or 3:2 processing included in the suite.

$1000 is just way too much to pay for the remaining part of Magic Bullet - that's almost the cost of AE production bundle itself.

I suggest you follow the lead of developers like Trapcode and RevisionFX that have realized wide sales through letting customers buy only the plug-ins they need. After all, pleasing the customer is what makes a successful product.


stephen v2
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Old May 29th, 2003, 10:18 AM   #13
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even better is unrestricted demos... I think companies thing if they dont watermark footage then everyone will just use the Demo and not buy a full product.

Good thing Adobe, Macromedia, Sonic Foundry, all have learned otherwise.
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Old May 29th, 2003, 12:02 PM   #14
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Red Giant responds

They asked me to remove the post - but email and ask for to be added to their notification list.
stephen v2
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