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Old March 12th, 2003, 10:15 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Vienna, Austria
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MX300 Glitches case in Austria


I bought the Pana MX300 used from somebody in Germany. The Cam is really great, and I love it, except for those glitches in audio and video. Make me mad. I have infact on a tested scene of 10mins 3-4 of those glitches. After reading all these forums on the MX300 and finding companions around the world with this problem, I thought I would consult our service center.

Great, only that they say my problems must be with my pc and they don't know anything about it, and all the standard crap.

I finally managed to convince them of giving me the firmware 1.6 against the usual work charge of half an hour. But Panasonic gives no guarantee that it works!

Since the cases are too little, and I'm the first person who reports this in Austria, I have no proof that it is a production error in that series... or what ever.

Well, at lease I'm confident that the firmware update will help me out here.
Greetz Garet
P4-2.4ghz, 1gb ram, 160gb hdd
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Old March 12th, 2003, 10:43 AM   #2
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Re: MX300 Glitches case in Austria

<<<-- Originally posted by Greetz Garet : Hi,

Great, only that they say my problems must be with my pc and they don't know anything about it, and all the standard crap.


They are very wrong!

My PC is 800 MHz and 512MB RAM, and I have no glitches from my MX350. It is a problem with the MX300. And hopefully, firmware 1.6 solves it like it did for most forum members here.

I would suggest that you write to Panasonic Austria and let them know of the existence of DVinfo forum, which they can keep themselves up to date with the info.

All that said, I am still pretty happy with my cam (MX350) and the service by Panasonic Singapore (my previously owned MX8 is in servicing with them, and they have lent me an older-lousier-but-usable DS88 in the mean time!).

The DS88 is actually the cheaper 1CCD version of the MX300.
Cam: Panasonic MX350EN, SOLD my MX8EN
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Old March 12th, 2003, 11:47 AM   #3
New Boot
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Well, actually I told the service point of this forum, and many others. The guys answer was, that I shouldn't beleive everything that is said in a forum, but it was no use fighting with him.

Anyhow I do hope that the firmware update helps, otherwise I am very dissapointed. And I would like to keep my MX300 up an running.

And I would have a bad feeling if I sold it to somebody with the glitch problem and if I tell them, I can't sell it at a good price....

quite a dilemma, I'd say
Greetz Garet
P4-2.4ghz, 1gb ram, 160gb hdd
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Old March 12th, 2003, 01:45 PM   #4
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Go to

Print out the techbull PDF. (This is from Pana.)

Take it to Pana and show them.
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Old March 13th, 2003, 10:06 AM   #5
New Boot
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That is what I did... and he said it aint official. Well, they can say what they want. I brought them my Cam today, and just got a call saying the cams finished. Will get it tomorrow morning, and I'll post if it helped at all!


btw: is it worth upgrading from the MX300 to the MX500??
Greetz Garet
P4-2.4ghz, 1gb ram, 160gb hdd
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Old March 13th, 2003, 10:07 AM   #6
New Boot
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the sentance I SURE DO IT DOES means


Greetz Garet
P4-2.4ghz, 1gb ram, 160gb hdd
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Old March 13th, 2003, 04:00 PM   #7
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Make sure they did indeed upgrade the "firmware" to version 1.6. Get it in writing, and whatever else they did. Sounds like this Pana office are run by---(I'm not going to say; it won't be C. Hurd approved).
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Old March 13th, 2003, 07:02 PM   #8
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I would not say that MX300 or MX350 to MX500 is an 'upgrade'. I will use the term change, instead.

Please refer to my comments on MX500 on other parts of this forum, I have many complaints against the MX500 as an upgrade, but by itself, it is a good cam.
Cam: Panasonic MX350EN, SOLD my MX8EN
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Old March 13th, 2003, 09:07 PM   #9
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Well, I got the techbull.pdf from Stuart in Panasonic Australia, then gave it for "public domain" use to Frank. After all, why keep such good news to one's self? We should share it will all the "afflicted" users worldwide :) :)

I would say it's official.

But then, Pana Austria probably has to get the info from Pana Japan before it's considered official.

Don't believe everything you read in a forum. That's good advice, but it may not be 100% true ALL THE TIME. Usually it's in forums that you learn new stuff i.e. bug occurances & FIXES 'cos we're leveraging on the sheer power & number of users out there. Not to mention the experience.

I would say, don't believe everything you hear from Pana 8O 8O - as in, just because they've not tested & experienced it (bug or bug fix) for themselves first hand, doesn't mean that it doesn't work, right? They'll come around to believing it, eventually.

Anyways, Pana wants to cover themselves, because even though the firmware upgrade WORKS (I know, firsthand experience) - but if your PC was buggy it would still spew out glitches even though the firmware upgrade fixes the MX300 part of the problem.
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Old March 14th, 2003, 03:11 AM   #10
New Boot
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Well I got my Cam back today. On the bill it says firmware upgraded to 1.6 as customer wished. It also says, Panasonic gives no guarantee that it works, and therefore theres no more guaratnee on the Cam, but since it's over 2 years old, that doesn't matter. Well looks like they are covering their backsides.

Will test it today after work to see if this solved all my troubles.

since I have two pcs (AMD and Intel) both with firewire, I can see which system is buggy (although I doubt that any of them is).

I'll keep you posted! Thanks for the support! :o)
Greetz Garet
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Old March 14th, 2003, 04:51 AM   #11
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Well, it was hoped that version 1.5 fixed things, but obviously it didn't. I presume, then, that version 1.6 does correct all issues (hopefully). So do keep us informed on how it performs.

With my cams, I never saw the glitch. But I had one of my cams upgraded with the version 1.5 driver anyway; the other cam I gave away to family. So far I still haven't noticed problems---I haven't used my MX300 much though.

I'm glad this worked out for you. I wonder if there'll be a version 1.7....
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Old March 16th, 2003, 08:40 AM   #12
New Boot
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Hi People!

Well I am a happy man again :-)

The firmware update did it's work, the glitches are gone! Optical stabilizer - well couldn't really tell the difference, but works fine to 6x zoom.

So if anyone else has these problems!!! Update to firmware 1.6! I'm glad I could prove the service center wrong!

Thanks so much for you Support and Advice guys!!! Realy appreciate it.
Greetz Garet
P4-2.4ghz, 1gb ram, 160gb hdd
Radeon 9500
WinXP, Premiere 6.5
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