Passthru on NV-GS70 at
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Old September 9th, 2005, 05:59 AM   #1
New Boot
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Passthru on NV-GS70

hi there.
does anyone know if the NV-GS70 dv camcorder has dv passthru like some other dv camcorders.
i have one but cant tell if it has this feature or not, the only way i was able to capture analog video to my pc was to actually connect my vcr to the camcorder with s-video and record the vhs tape to a mini dv tape, then transfer that tape to my pc using firewire (using WinDV 1.2.3 to transfer)

is there an easy way to tell without actually connecting anything up, i cant find anything in the manual.

if it has got passthru, is it simply a case of connecting my vcr to the dv camera with say the s-video, connect the dv camera to pc with firewire, and playback the vhs video, set the dv camera on vcr mode and press record or playback, and then use windv to transfer to my hard drive.
the mini dv tape option worked very well and doing it that way i was actually able to keep the mini dv tape as my master and not have the original big vhs tape anymore.

any thoughts greatly appreciated....GLEN
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Old September 9th, 2005, 05:18 PM   #2
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It depends on whether Panasonic crippled the GS70 for tax reasons. However, from the DV953 (MX500) manual:

To DV-output analog video signals sent from other equipment, set
[DV OUT] on the [AV IN/OUT SETUP] Sub-Menu to [ON]. (Normally, keep
the [DV OUT] set to [OFF]. If it is set to [ON], the quality of the image may
be deteriorated.)

If you have the DV Out option, for straight pass-through, take the tape out of the camcorder. You will have to manually start and stop capture using your capture software. Start your analog source after starting capture. Your capture software may complain that there is no tape in the cam. In this case, turn off DV Device Controls in the software.
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Old September 9th, 2005, 05:45 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Hey Glen,
I have the Japanese GS70 and it does do analog-digital passthrough.
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Old September 9th, 2005, 08:52 PM   #4
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thanks guys, my GS70 is also from japan, or it says japan on the box but i actually got both from hong kong.
i tried the passthru option before i started dubbing analog vhs tapes onth the dv tape option, but when i connected my vcr to the gs70 and hooked the gs70 to my pc with firewire, started playback from the vcr and started the capture with WinDV on my pv, i got no image thru the gs70 lcd screen and therefore nothing was captured.

GLENN, can u run me thru your procedure to enable passthru using the gs70, from setting up the correct settings on my gs70, thru to capturing on my pc.

as mentioned, i use WinDV 1.2.3 as my capture/transfer program to my pc in type2 dv avi format.

my procedure b4 was to start playback on my vcr, start record on my gs70 (without a tape loaded) and then start the capture with windv on my pc but i got no image on my lcd screen on my gs70.

ill give it another go using the settings that GUY has given me and see how it goes.

BTW, does anyone know if the output video file to my pc will still have image/audio sync by using dv passthru to capture the vhs tape to my pc, i would imagine it would be ok as when i used the dubbing to dv tape b4 the image/sound was always in sync on the avi file.
out of sync problems seem to occur when encoding to dvd mpeg2 format using MME encoder, but i now use TMPGEnc 3.0 xpress and never have any image/audio sync problems, MME is good image but has a few floors i think.

my current method of capturing is using a jvc vcr recorder to a canopus ADVC-110 digital decice, then firewire to pc capturing with windv 1.2.3.
i also use a TBC-1000 image stabiliser as well on some low quality tapes.

is it more preferable to continue this methos or is it better or easier to use the dv passthru option, doesnt seem much difference either way, both methods digitise the image before it gets to the pc, and the TBC-1000 can be used with the dv passthru method as well, hooking it up between the gs70 and the canopus device.
the canopus is a great device too as it has an image/audio sync lock, unlike most other types of analog capture cards or devices, thats why its a good product.

anyway, thanks for your help again, will hopefully hear from you again.

cheers and have a nice day....GLEN

my little BLOG is here

GLENN, i couldnt get those 2 video clips up in your blog and what editing program do u use for for your video work

Last edited by Glen Pinn; September 9th, 2005 at 09:03 PM. Reason: MISSED A COMMENT
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Old September 9th, 2005, 10:05 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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In the VCR menu settings, there is an option to set
DV --> A/V OUT
DV <-- A/V OUT

If you have it set in the wrong direction, that may be why.

I vaguely remember the GS70 being able to passthrough on the way in... I think the English manual describes that procedure.
Digression: Recording onto DV tape at the same time requires the remote control.

2- re: my website at
Have you tried right clicking and saving those clips?
You need Quicktime 5.

3- The canopus may be a better analog-digital converter.

Try this:
Capture the same source with both the Canopus and your camera.
Sync up the images in a video editing program. It may help to do a split screen or wipe or crop/mask.
Toggle one sources on/off- is there an apparent difference?

I suspect there may be a very obvious difference if the Canopus reads analog black level at 7.5IRE instead of 0IRE.
North america NTSC = 7.5IRE analog black level (kind of, not all DV equipment follows this standard)
Japan NTSC = 0 IRE

4- I use Vegas.
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Old September 10th, 2005, 02:05 AM   #6
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hi again.

well i finally got the dv passthru going on my gs70 and looks great so far.
would be interesting to see side by side comparison with capture from the canopus ADVC-110.
i might setup a test by capturing a 5 minute segment from a vhs tape using both the ADVC-110 and the dv passthru, capturing a segment with both devices with and without the TBC-1000 image stabiliser and see how they compare side by side.

ill certainly be sticking with the ADVC-110 method as ive got a lot of money invested in that device, as well as the tbc-1000 and my $500 jvc 9000 series vcr recorder (all up $1700au invested in 3 items) and ill save my GS70 for what it was designed to do, shooting video.

just a note, would the digital function or device inside the GS70 camera not be too effected if it was used a lot for dv passthru, i have no idea about this side of the cameras function.

GUY, when u say normally the DV OUT option is set to "off" and i set it to the "on" position for dv passthru, should i set that option back to the "off" option while using the camera for normal filming, and if left in the "on" mode what effect, if any will it make to my shot video.

ill keep u posted how it goes, AND GLENN, i too have vegas 6 but not used it yet, id like to pick your brains about it just a tadd if i can, but rather do it via email if u might allow it. i also have a copy of power director 4 but obviously vegas 6 is a much more powerful editor than that, but ive been told its still a very nice editor all the same.

can u post your email addy to me at

cheers everyone and thanks again.....GLEN
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Old September 10th, 2005, 07:21 AM   #7
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Glad you got it working. I'd stick with the ADVC too. You are less likely to have audio and video out of sync with that setup. Quality is dependent on the analog to DV converter and will probably be similar between the GS70 and ADVC.

Apparently, leaving DV set to OUT loads down the DAC circuits enough that when you switch to record, the video from the CCDs is deteriorated. I can't tell you exactly how because I've never tested the two settings for effect.

As far as Vegas goes, there is an excellent forum here for Vegas. I'm sure Edward Troxel and others there would be happy to answer your questions. Edward also has a series of newsletters that explain a lot about how to use Vegas. You can find them at (click)
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Old September 10th, 2005, 10:30 AM   #8
New Boot
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thanks guy, so what u say is i need to reset the DV OUT option in the VCR MENU > VCR FUNCTIONS > AV IN/OUT SETUP back to the DV OUT>OFF mode and not leave it set to the DV OUT>ON mode as required to use the passthru feature.

the settings in my camera VCR MENU > VCR FUNCTIONS > AV IN/OUT SETUP control panel are as follows.

DV OUT = ON for passthru and OFF for camera recording

does this all seem ok, and do i only need to reset the DV OUT setting back to its original setting each time and leave the other 2 as they are.

thanks too for the advice about sony vegas 6, i only just got it actually and havent had time to work it out yet, i was running power director 4 for a while but was told to try vegas.

thanks again m8 for your help, im much more the wiser now and yes ill be continuing with the ADVC-110 and the tbc-1000 unit, least i have control ove image with that, and the ADVC-110 at least has the image/audio sync lock, unlike using dv passthru, although i can use the tbc-1000 with passthru.

thanks again and catch u on the forum again i hope.....GLEN
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Old September 10th, 2005, 01:06 PM   #9
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does this all seem ok, and do i only need to reset the DV OUT setting back to its original setting each time and leave the other 2 as they are.
Yes, that's right. Or, you could put AV to Out/Phones so you can monitor audio while recording. Glad I could help m8. CU around.
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Old September 11th, 2005, 11:09 AM   #10
Inner Circle
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Hi Glen,

You should post your Vegas questions up in the Vegas forum so that everyone can read the replies to it. I read that forum as well as many other folks who know more about Vegas than I do.

-The Other Glenn
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Old September 11th, 2005, 07:22 PM   #11
New Boot
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Posts: 12
hi again.

GUY: thanks for the passthru info, i got it going good, just need to remember to set the DV OUT option back to "OFF" while filming.

GLENN: yeah ill post about vegas 6.0b in the forum soon cos i have an issue with it. i installed it yesterday and man i got a real problem with my pc after i did it.
go to the vegas section, im posting my thread there ok.

cheers guys.....GLEN
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