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Panasonic DV / MX / GS series Assistant
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Old January 1st, 2003, 04:03 AM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Singapore, Passport: Malaysia
Posts: 407
To Jean King,

The MX500 and MX350 screens are the same size, and I like the size. BUT the MX500 is much more saturated and darker than the MX350. Let me clarify, the same tape viewed on the two cams shows different colours and brightness.

I have tried adjusting the MX500, but no avail, still dimmer and more saturated. Whereas, I could actually calibrate my MX350 to my Panasonic TV's colours. That being said, one of the reasons for me to go 350 instead of 500 was that I do not need to mentally 'scale' the colour while I shoot. Please note that I have checked and verified that is is only the LCD's difference, the captured image from the 350 and 500 are almost exactly identical in saturation and brightness.

Another point, the MX500 receives less light, so the F-stop is always one lower than the MX350 and the digital gain is always +3db more on the MX500. I compared using auto mode shooting the same location at 2 minutes apart (inside a shopping centre) on the same tape.

I believe that the 350 is very similar to the 300 in most aspects, and I can verify this in a month's time when I meet up with Steven Khong who owns an MX300 in Malaysia over Chinese New Year celebrations.
Cam: Panasonic MX350EN, SOLD my MX8EN
Mac: G3 400MHz PowerBook, 256 MB, OS 9
PC: Pentium 4 2800MHz, 512 MB, WindowsXP
SW: iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, Ulead Video Studio, various little utilities
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