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Old April 30th, 2004, 12:07 AM   #16
New Boot
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Okay, I think I may have stumble upon my issue (and the solution). For future reference, recording back to the camera from Final Cut Pro 4 works fine. What doesn't work fine is doing it on my single processor G4. With all the settings correct, it records back a bit jumpy and pixelated. However, the recording sails beautifully on a dual G5. So I have to go to a different location, but it works.

My first guess at why this might be true is the speed at which DV records at. Does anyone have a better theory? If not, no worries. Just file this bit of trivia away for the future.

Thanks for all the help. I couldn't have done it without everyone's input!

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Old April 30th, 2004, 12:27 AM   #17
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Suzanne, it still could be your settings in FCP or something about your configuration. I say this because I've had the gs100 since the beginning of July last year and use a G4 powerbook, so I doubt that the G4 has much of anything to do with what you're experiencing. Is your FCP edition different on the G4 than on the G5? I ask because I noticed in the Apple forums that people were claiming the FCP HD update had affected their ability to export to tape from iMovie. Here's a thought if all you want is to select clips, print to tape and have them for use later: make your clip selection and print back to tape from iiMovie. My understanding is dv is dv. You can download your tape later to FCP for further editing or import into FCP from iMovie - just don't do any real editing in iMovie, because FCP won't import any edits from iMovie (and remember that unlike FCP, iMovie is a desttuctive NLE).
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Old April 30th, 2004, 12:46 AM   #18
New Boot
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Posts: 15

Please expand on what your settings are with FCP. I'm using version 4.1.1, I'll have to double check what the version is at school.

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Old April 30th, 2004, 01:08 AM   #19
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Suzanne, sorry, but I don't use FCP. I'm strictly an iMovie type, since all i have is a 60Gb Powerbook and only do home movies. Nonetheless, hanging around various fora, one picks up odd bits of info. If you haven't tried the Apple/support/discussions forum for FCP yet, that's a place that might help. You can do a search for your issue, to see what others have had to say, as well as pose your own question. It really helps if you say up front what hardware and software version you're using, how much RAM and how much free hard disk space you have available and whether you've already tried the traditional Apple remedies I mentioned earlier. Also which version of QT you are using, as I think one suggestion might be to export first to QT and then to dv - which may work, but probably shouldn't have to be a choice if all is working well with your system.
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Old April 30th, 2004, 01:14 AM   #20
New Boot
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All of those things could be possibilities. I've posted on various Final Cut forums, which is where I usually hang out. I started posting here, since it started as a "how to use this camera" issue. In any case, I have a very taxed system at home. I'm full on my hard drive and only have 512mb RAM. The system at school has space available and over 1gig of RAM. Certainly, that could be the cause of my problems. When the real money starts rolling in, a new system is on the top of my list!

Thanks again,
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Old April 30th, 2004, 01:35 AM   #21
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Get a firewire drive. They're cheaper than a new system for the interim. Working with my tiny hard drive, I routinely move things like my iTunes library to storage before starting on a project. And I store dv projects on firewire. Even in iMovie, with a big enough project, the software starts acting up. The other possibility (which I'm sure you know) is to get a large enough firewire drive to run your projects on. Anyway, I'm glad it's not the camcorder.
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Old April 30th, 2004, 12:48 PM   #22
New Boot
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Thanks for the advice. I always store my projects on firewire since I move from place to place. It never occured to me to install FCP on the drive if the space allows. I could try that and then I wouldn't have to worry about checking settings all the time.

Since my job is a freelance editor, a new system is pretty much a priority. I bought this little iMac when I was in school and starving. Now I'm building up a nice clientele and the new system would be a great little tax write-off. Not to mention, I wouldn't have to do as much traveling around.

Thanks again for all your help. I'm definately keeping this site bookmarked. It's the best resource for DV questions that I've found.
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