With indoor shots with my MX5000 I (think) I was experiencing lens flare. I thought my lens was dirty so I used a camera lens cloth. Also, I was using a Raynox wide angle conversion lens.
At Bic Camera I couldn't find a lens hood for the wide angle adaptor in the video section so I went down to the digital camera section and found one there. So, I would recommend that part of any big electronics store. I also found a nice, cheap mono pod there, as well.
Does lens flare look like you have spots on your lens? I haven't shot anything yet with the hood on to see if that solves the problem. Other than this I really like this cam. The picture is very nice and the digital stills are great.
That new, smaller version is quite nice too in silver and black! Panasonic seems to be pushing these quite a bit now over the MX5000.