GS100 party pictures... at
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Old August 4th, 2003, 06:22 AM   #1
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GS100 party pictures...

Hi there...
Here I have some pictures from a party last weekend. It was in a green house with a nice fire and moon painting(4x4m) outside.

What do you think about quality?
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Old August 4th, 2003, 07:38 AM   #2
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Nice pictures Marius.... in fact outstanding. I have always liked what I have seen with the GS100 and knew it's size and performance were exactly what people would want from a camcorder. Everything I see from the GS100 is just amazing for the price.

I myself have been afraid of the Japanese menus and I had given a lot of thought about getting the GS100. But for me I felt it was best to get a camera with English menus especially for being in situations like that (a party) where you would need to adjust the manual controls on the fly and one would not have to deal with cheat sheets or frustrating menus which were not in my native language.

If someone could prove me wrong then so be it.... please do so, but I elected to spend more money and get the PDX-10, but truly would have preferred the GS100 because of the great pictures I've seen, size and it's overall performance like you posted here.
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Old August 4th, 2003, 11:45 AM   #3
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Super. What settings were you using? Did you use a tripod?
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Old August 4th, 2003, 01:58 PM   #4
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Thanks for posting all thos pics, Marius. My only comment is that next time avoid shooting into bright light, have them to your rear 45 degree angle---off to the side a bit and out of your picture, or stop down 1 & 1/2 stops. Try not to get shadows in peoples faces. Using a powerful flash would have also produced better results. Nevertheless I enjoyed viewing your pics (which also crashed my computer). :(
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Old August 4th, 2003, 04:06 PM   #5
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Patricia... no tripon, manual settings, different from picture to picture. You may see very clearly the difference looking at the picture with the fire. For some I used a faster shutter setting than for others.

Frank, I am sorry to hear that it crashed your computer. I wonder why... As about the light, that is true. Unfortunately I had no better position because the glass from the green house was dirty, and behind the bar was no place.
As for not using a flash light, the built in flash was not powerful enough for the situation and beside, it is very hard to focus on dark places...(automatic focus doesn't work on dark places, and I can't manual focus because I don't see the seurfaces good enough...).
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Old August 4th, 2003, 04:14 PM   #6
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So Marius and everyone...have those Japanese menus been a problem for you? I haven't heard anyone say anything to the contray. My concern (as I have always said) with the GS100 is not the camera itself, but the language and getting the settings right. It would be nice to get some feedback from GS100 owners on their experiences and how the operation of day to day is affected by the menu language being only Japanese and how it affects getting a spontanious shot.
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Old August 4th, 2003, 04:15 PM   #7
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I don't like auto cams---too little control. My computer crashed because I'm using WIN 3.11 with 40 megs of RAM. Like I said, I enjoyed your pics.
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Old August 4th, 2003, 04:34 PM   #8
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Rick, I had no problems at all with the menu. No problem at all. But I wasn't a complete beginner to the camcorders world, I had one before.

Auto cams are not cool, I know. This cam gives you the possibility to control it. My problem is in dark places is focusing manually... Since there isn't much that I see on the LCD or viewfinder I don't know when the focus is correctly set... I try to do it manually as much as I can. On the pictures with the "moon" and the flowers I took two shots actually, both manually focused, one on the flowers, the other on the painting.
I'm still learning, and I feel I am getting better, a bit ;)
Still a long way to go, but I try :)
As about you computer, I wonder why you use windows 3.11; I think it can't be a matter of taste, and with the prices for new systems... Anyway, it is your choise.

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Old August 4th, 2003, 05:11 PM   #9
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Thanks Marius - that is good to hear. I on the other hand don't have previous experience with camrcorders .... this is my first purchase and I wanted to be able to breeze through set ups and explore without the language barrier.

Be that as it may, working in the television industry, I didn't want just any old camera. I'm not a camera operator but look at video everyday and I know good and bad. I knew I wanted 3 CCDs, better than average performance, a reasonable compact aize and a great price. The GS100 fit the bill, but the language was for only non selling feature for me. I seem to think if I had that previous experience like you I most proably would have gone for it too.

Meanwhile, once again I don't have any shipping information on the PDX-10 I ordered... maybe this is the same problem with the PV953 in the states. So if someone can talk me out of the PDX-10 for the GS100 (smile) ... I just might switch from what I have seen with this camera.
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Old August 5th, 2003, 03:13 AM   #10
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Rick, I can't convince you about GS100K since I don't know the PDX-10.
If the PDX-10 is better quality and the budget can afford it, just go for it.
Otherwise the GS100K might look better, with regard to money. For me personally, it was not possible to get anything else. With the money I paid for the GS100K I could have had a GS70 here in Europe and I think we all agree that between GS70 and GS100K there is quite a difference.
Would I take another cam if I would have the money? Yes, tomorrow if that cam would be better. I am not a pana fanatic, but I do like to get a good product for my money, and in this case it just happened to come from pana.

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Old August 5th, 2003, 03:26 AM   #11
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Marius, taking pics, whether digital or film requires light. If you want the darker areas of a frame to have the right amount of light, the lighter areas most likely will be over-exposed. Also, if these dark areas are really dark, but you get the exposure right, your picture will suffer because of too slow a shutter speed.
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Old August 5th, 2003, 01:12 PM   #12
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Did u take the pictures using 3.1 mega stills or these are frames from Video?

You can suggest specific settings like shutter, gain etc depending on the low light settings?
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Old August 5th, 2003, 01:34 PM   #13
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Sam, I took them as stills, full resolution(3.1 mega).
As about telling you some specific settings, I can't, and anyway, it won't help you at all, because the quality is not that great(not because of the cam, but because of me).

The only thing I could offer you is a nice web site:

Have a look, read, try to learn some stuff and none the less, wonder about that magic pics over there. Just lovely.

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Old August 5th, 2003, 02:49 PM   #14
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Thanks Marius

The images are good, to portray the low light environment, especially the pics, with people.

I appreciate your service to help others by uploading the captures and encourage us.
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