Please Help...HMC150 video is greyish when playing
I am hoping someone can help out here. I have a new HMC150 and I am recording in 1080P/24 and bringing it into PPRo CS4 to edit it. It edits just fine and PPRo plays it just fine, but if I view the RAW footage in any player (and I have tried several including VLC, WMP, Splash, AVCCAM) they all come out looking washed out. I have attached a picture that has a screenshot that of what it looks like in a player vs. in Ppro. What is equally disturbing is that even when I export it to an MPEG2 file, the exported file also is grayed out.
I am running Windows 7 64 bit on an HPZ800 with 36GB of RAM and there is nothing unique about it and I can play AVCHD footage from my Canon HF30 with no problem at all. Has anyone out there run their HMC150 footage successfully on a Windows 7 64 bit platform successfully? I would appreciate any ideas someone might have.
Thanks in advance