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Old May 19th, 2007, 06:56 PM   #1
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comments and input on video production!

Hello again everybody I'm looking for some input on a DVD I am currently working on. I produce high action video for jetboat racing! I am currently getting ready to finalize two of my videos, If you could take a look and PLEASE let me know what I can DO TO IMPROVE the video it would be greatly appreciated!! I will post 2 that are almost ready to be finalized, I also have more footage coming from diffrent angles on the first one I post. Most of the time I get great feedback from the racers and fans, But I'm also looking for comments on people who have never even heard of this type of sport.


and the second video to follow:


Thank You if you comment ,

Chris Sackett(Raven Racing Video)
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Old May 19th, 2007, 08:21 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Hi Chris......

Showing my inexperience here, this is supposed to be a link to another thread on DVinfo but it apears to have gone wrong.

Whatever, had a brief look and it's good stuff. Think either a voice over or some graphics explaining what's happening to whom wouldn't go amiss. Some "on - board" as well (sorry if there is some, my bb links crawling so didn't watch much). The link below is to a guy who started another thread, turns out he's doing the same stuff as you. Check it out, might be worth the two of you putting your heads together.

"Affordable 3-chip High Definition Acquisition > General HD / HDV Acquisition >
Need to buy 2 HD cameras and need suugestions"


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Old May 19th, 2007, 09:55 PM   #3
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Thanks Chris where is the thread located on the forum?
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Old May 19th, 2007, 11:14 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Hi again.

The link is there - it's that last sentence in quotes ("Affordable etc"- basically one block down from where you posted your thread.

Maybe if someone (is there anybody out there?) can give an old geezer some pointers on how to link to another thread it would't go amiss. I know there's gotta be a simpler way - did it using copy & paste. Bah, Humbug, computers!


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Old May 21st, 2007, 07:49 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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I guess that would be:

What you need to do is copy and paste the URL from your browser: In Internet Explorer highlight the link either by rolling your mouse with the left button pressed over the text or double click it; then rigth click and choose 'copy' (or press Ctrl+C) and then in the text where you want to place the link right click and choose 'paste' ( press Ctrl+V).
Ervin Farkas
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Old May 21st, 2007, 08:23 AM   #6
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Chris Sackett View Post
Hello again everybody I'm looking for some input on a DVD I am currently working on. I produce high action video for jetboat racing! I am currently getting ready to finalize two of my videos, If you could take a look and PLEASE let me know what I can DO TO IMPROVE the video ...
Chris Sackett(Raven Racing Video)
Interesting footage. But since this is a sport that not a lot of people will be familiar with, I'll second the recommendation of intercutting some interviews and voice overs explaining what we're seeing would be good. For instance, in the first video just before the shot where the boat flips up and goes down by the stern you might have a driver talking about how tricky it is to avoid whatever condition caused that accident to happen. I found the vocals in music track to be very distracting - if you could have gotten the same energy level in a purely instrumental version I think it would have worked better with the images. Call me old-fashioned, but when I hear voices in a soundtrack I try to figure out what they're saying and in this case I think you want people concentrating on the action and the boats.

I liked the second video better since it was telling a story. The first one is a collection of intersting shots but there's no story line behind it. Remember the 5 W's of journalism - Who, What, When, Where, and Why. To hold audience interest, a film needs to tell a story that reveals the answers.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 08:34 PM   #7
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Thank you very much Steve,I do plan on doing some interviews, I think I'm going to put so audio overlay on some of the video. I plan on Interviewing the driver and navigator of that mishap next weekend. The first video is suppose to set up for the next wich happens to have a story line in it. So should I alter the first video to be more of a lead in to the next? Adding overlay interviews while you watch the incident happen? I'm still pretty new at this stuff so any constructive critisium is greatly appreciated!! By the way I did find the other thread thanks everyone.

Thank You again
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