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Old January 30th, 2007, 10:57 PM   #1
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HDMI to DVI converter

I'm trying to decide which monitor I want to get for editing hdv content, but I am also thinking about using it to play ps3 on lol. Ps3 uses an hdmi output but most monitors with hdmi inputs are more expensive than i would like to spend. So if i use a hdmi to dvi converter will that significantly decrease the resolution or introduce artifacts or picture lag when playing ps3?
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Old January 30th, 2007, 11:13 PM   #2
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lol k I'm highjacking my own thread here... a more important factor relating to editing (which is after all why i'm buying it) is the screen resolution. Most of the monitors in the upper end of my price range have a 1680x1050 resolution which means that when playing 1080 clips its either going to cut some of the top/bottom off the image or compress it right? I'd rather have the image compressed than clipped, is there any way of knowing which monitors will clip and which ones will compress? I know I can always run stuff at a lower rez but i would rather not if possible. Also I'll be running fcp off a macbook pro, does it's video card even have the capabilities to run a 1080p stream at full rez smoothly? Wow I've asked a lot of questions.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 08:50 AM   #3
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HDMI = DVI (almost)

HDMI and DVI are the exact same quality wise, the only two differences are the type of connector (physical size/shape) and the fact that HDMI in addition to video, also has audio.
Ervin Farkas
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Old February 2nd, 2007, 03:37 PM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2005
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I have been having trouble connecting my Sony V1U to DVI monitors using an HDMI to DVI cable. It always downscales the resolution to 720x480. I don't know if it is the fault of the camera, cable, or monitor. It remains a mystery to everyone exactly what is going on. Fortunately, there are online merchants with very inexpensive cables so you don't need to blow $100 at bestbuy on an HDMI cable to test your system. I got my cable for $15 shipped to Hawaii.
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