Panasonic PV-GS180 vs. Canon Elura 100 at
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Old November 24th, 2006, 04:50 PM   #1
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Panasonic PV-GS180 vs. Canon Elura 100

I understand there is a 100 dollar difference in these two cameras. I'm wondering which camera has the better picture. If the Panasonic is better than the Canon, is it worth the 100 dollars extra?

Panasonic -

Canon -

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Old November 24th, 2006, 07:45 PM   #2
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New egg is gouging you $40 on the Panasonic and $20 on the Canon - Check prices at B&H instead.

I have the elura 100 and it's decent on low light, which apparently the Panasonic isn't? Also, the Pana only has a 10x zoom while the Canon has 20x. Both have top loading (important if you use a tripod much) and external mic input (important, period) the pana is a 3-chip while the Canon's a 1-chip. There's a thread around here on noisy tape mechanism on the Elura, but I've had no problems - I use these rather than put a multi-thousand $ camera into harsh industrial environments, and so far neither the Elura 65 or the Elura 100 has failed.

One other diff - the Elura 100 has no shoe, so if you want to use an external mic you'll need to do something like I did

Last shoot I did with these two cams was in a conference room (flourescents) - I did a manual white bal (both cam's, of course :=) on a piece of heavy matte photo paper, and could tell no diff in skin tones (or all the wood trim and beige curtains) between the two so I wasn't unhappy at all...

Guess it comes down to whether you wanna keep adding and removing converters, or have 20x zoom instead; and of course if 3-chip color quality (in adequate light) is important then it's a no-brainer... Steve
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Old November 25th, 2006, 10:08 PM   #3
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The Panny will be much better for you. 3CCDs like Steve said is a no brainer. Its got more features on it and better video quality so its the better buy. Panasonics GS series is a gift from God. :)

-Kyle, who fell in love with his GS400 when he got it a while back. ;)
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Old November 29th, 2006, 07:53 PM   #4
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Do both the Elura100 and the gs180 have headphone jacks to monitor while shooting? Can you manually control the audio level on both? And double checking, they both have external mic inputs and firewire, right?

People keep asking me what $500 or less camera to buy, but my fave -- the Optura50 -- is discontinued now.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 11:22 AM   #5
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Chuck, both have mic inputs but NEITHER has manual audio mode, only AGC; and both have AV jacks that can be menu selected to be headphone output or video/audio outputs using a supplied AV cable. The Elura 100 does NOT have an accessory shoe of ANY kind, I bought a flash bracket for mine that attaches to the tripod screw threads for that. Both cams have firewire, I'm not positive that the panny does pass-thru but I think so; both can do manual WB or auto. If you're into portable, the Elura 100 is the smallest/lightest of the two; it's also the more flimsy feeling of the two, and nearly everything is accessed thru its joystick (which, thankfully, is NOT mounted on the LCD like a few other models)

HTH... Steve
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Old November 30th, 2006, 12:43 PM   #6
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I'd double check on if the Panasonic has pass-through if that's a feature you want. I know Panasonic started removing it from the lower models in the GS series, I think including the GS-180.

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