Help! Need CD that goes with my book at
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Old September 7th, 2006, 01:06 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 373
Help! Need CD that goes with my book

I recently purchased

Digital Filmmaking Handbook - 2nd Edition
by Ben Long
ISBN: 1-58450-098-0

I got it used, but it is missing the package-in cd with the video for the tutorials. I just got off the phone with the publisher and they don't have that separately to be able to send me a new one.

If anyone has this cd, if you could send me the cd (if you dont need it) or just burn a copy (legally i am entitled to have it since i purchased the book). I'd pay for the shipping.

I just want to do the tutorials and need all the files that the book comes with.

Thank you in advance for helping me out.
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Old November 28th, 2006, 03:28 PM   #2
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Location: Madison, WI
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Still looking for this cd. Not having much luck so far in finding it.
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Old November 28th, 2006, 04:13 PM   #3
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Have you asked to return the book to the publishers in return for a fresh copy with the CD?
I told you to get an alabi
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Old November 28th, 2006, 04:23 PM   #4
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Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 373
Yeah, I talked to the publisher. But since the book I have is out of print they said they don't even have any in stock to send me.
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Old November 29th, 2006, 01:51 PM   #5
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Posts: 192

Ok, shameless plug here:

Your local public library may have access to the book. Most folks do not know that there is a world wide service called inter-library loan in which if your local library does not have an item they can request it from another library. Most public and college libraries participate. Usually there is a small fee to cover postage usually a few dollars.

I would suggest that you visit your local library, check thier collections first. Then go to the reference desk and ask about ILL. They can then search the WORLDCAT database find a library that has the book and request it.

Below is the WORLDCAT listing of the libraries in the US that hold your book. The other possibility would be for someone who has local access to one of these libraries borrow the book and CD, make an ISO copy for you and let you download and burn a copy for yourself. There are several listed in Georgia, but I am not local to any of them or I would do it for you.

Hope this helps and educates you and others about just one of the valuable services that your local public library has to offer.

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Old November 29th, 2006, 01:56 PM   #6
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Ga Art Inst Of Atlanta Gif
Ga Chattahoochee Tech Col Libr Zlf
Ga Dekalb Libr Syst Gdk
Ga Savannah Col Of Art & Design Libr Gse
Ga West Georgia Tech Col W6t
Ga Westminster Sch Libr Gwa

Ak Anchorage Sch Dist Xy4
Ak Fairbanks N Star Borough Libr X#4
Ak Haines Coop Libr Q2r

Ar Harding Univ, Brackett Libr Ahs

Az City Of Mesa Libr Msa
Az Phoenix Pub Libr Pnx
Az Pima Cnty Commun Col Dist, Libr Tech Ser Gc0

Ca Academy Found, Margaret Herrick Libr Px1
Ca Alameda Cnty Libr Jqa
Ca Alibris Albrs
Ca Allan Hancock Col Hnq
Ca Burbank Pub Libr Bur
Ca Cate Sch Libr Caz
Ca Chapman Univ, Leatherby Libr Ccx
Ca Coast Commun Col Dist, Orange Coast Col Crg
Ca Commerce Pub Libr Ccz
Ca Contra Costa Cnty Libr Jqj
Ca Fashion Inst Of Design & Merchandising Fad
Ca Fuller Theol Seminary Cft
Ca Loyola Marymount Univ Lml
Ca Mill Val Pub Libr Mlv
Ca Orange Cnty Pub Libr Ork
Ca Palo Alto City Libr Pap
Ca Pasadena Pub Libr Cpp
Ca Pomona Pub Libr Pfo
Ca San Mateo Cnty Libr Cza
Ca San Rafael Pub Libr Snr
Ca Santa Barbara Pub Libr Jrw
Ca Santa Cruz Pub Libr, The Jta
Ca Sonoma Cnty Libr Jth
Ca Southwestern Col Libr Sou
Ca Univ Of California, Davis, Shields Libr Cuv

Co Arapahoe Libr Dist Co2
Co Jefferson Cnty Pub Libr Qq3

Ct Library Connection, Inc. Cke
Ct Middlesex Commun Col Msx

Dc American Chemical Soc Acy
Dc Library Of Congress Dlc

Fl Argosy Univ, Tampa Cam F@p
Fl Embry-riddle Aeronautical Univ Fer
Fl Miami Dade Col Fym
Fl Orange Cnty Libr Syst Orl
Fl Palm Beach Cnty Libr Syst Fwp
Fl Palm Beach Commun Col Efm
Fl Southeastern Univ Fyq

Hi Hawaii State Libr Hhd

Ia Indianola Pub Libr Jii
Ia Univ Of Iowa Libr Nui

Id North Idaho Col, Molstead Libr Xfh

Il Arlington Heights Mem Libr Jbl
Il Grayslake Area Pub Libr Dist Gl5
Il Illinois Inst Of Art, Chicago A4c
Il Illinois Inst Of Art, Schaumburg Gk3
Il Northwestern Univ Inu
Il Waukegan Pub Libr Gp4

In Elkhart Pub Libr Ieb
In Indiana Univ, Purdue Univ, Indianapolis Iup
In Ivy Tech Commun Col Indianapolis Xxw
In Purdue Univ Ipl

Ks Friends Univ Kfu
Ks Johnson Cnty Libr Knj
Ks Topeka & Shawnee Cnty Pub Libr Ktp

Ky Jefferson Commun & Tech Col Kjc

La East Baton Rouge Parish Libr Leb

Ma Emerson Col Ecl
Ma Franklin W Olin Col Of Eng Olinc
Ma Pine Manor Col Pma
Ma Simon's Rock Of Bard Col Ysr
Ma Smith Col Snn
Ma Springfield Tech Commun Col Sfc
Ma Worcester Pub Libr Wzw

Md Anne Arundel Commun Col Libr Aal
Md Enoch Pratt Free Libr Mdb
Md Johns Hopkins Univ Jhe

Mi Genesee Dist Libr Ezg
Mi Grace A Dow Mem Libr Gdm
Mi Lakeland Libr Coop Lkr

Mn Art Inst Int, Minnesota Rym
Mn Minneapolis Col Of Art & Design Cad
Mn Univ Of Minnesota, Minneapolis Mnu

Mo Missouri River Reg Libr Muj
Mo Missouri Western State Univ Mws
Mo Ozarks Tech Commun Col Tlo
Mo Saint Louis Cnty Libr Zae
Mo Springfield Greene Cnty Libr Mos

Nc Univ Of N Carolina, Wilmington Nxw

Ne Southeast Commun Col, Milford Nkz

Nj Jersey City Pub Libr Jcp

Ny Cayuga Cnty Commun Col Zzy
Ny New York Inst Of Tech Znt
Ny Queens Borough Pub Libr Zqp
Ny Rochester Pub Libr Yqr
Ny Suffolk Coop Libr Syst Sde

Oh Baker & Taylor Baker
Oh Cleveland Pub Libr Cle
Oh Columbus Metrop Libr Oco
Oh Devry Univ Dit
Oh Middletown Pub Libr Omi
Oh Raymond Walters Col Libr Orw
Oh Toledo-lucas Cnty Pub Libr Tlm
Oh Worthington Pub Libr Owr
Oh Youngstown State Univ Yng

Ok Oklahoma City Commun Col Okj
Ok Tulsa City-cnty Libr Tul

Pa Art Inst Of Philadelphia Libr A4p
Pa Pennsylvania State Univ Upm
Pa Point Park Col Ptp
Pa Robert Morris Univ Rob

Ri New England Inst Of Tech Nly

Sc Clemson Univ Sea
Sc Richland Cnty Pub Libr Src
Sc South Carolina State Libr Dsc

Sd Dakota State Univ Dst

Tn Chattanooga Hamilton Cnty Bicentennial Tch
Tn Nashville Pub Libr Tnn
Tn Tennessee State Univ Tsu

Tx Art Inst Of Dallas A$d
Tx Collin Cnty Commun Col Dist Cqc
Tx Houston Pub Libr Txn
Tx Northwest Vista Col Libr N$v
Tx Sam Houston State Univ Shh

Ut College Of Eastern Utah Libr Ueu

Va Art Inst Of Washington Rta
Va Central Rappahannock Reg Libr Rr1
Va Dabney S Lancaster Commun Col Pzg
Va Northern Virginia Commun Col Van
Va Univ Of Richmond Vru

Vt Vermont Tech Col Vtc

Wa Seattle Cent Commun Col S1c
Wa Seattle Pub Libr Uok
Wa Sno-isle Reg Libr Oem
Wa Spokane Pub Libr Uag
Wa Tacoma Pub Libr Taw

Wi Hedburg Pub Libr Wij
Wi Infosoup (ne Wi Pub Libr) Wiq
Wi Milwaukee Cnty Federated Libr Syst Gzd

Wv West Virginia Wesleyan Col Wvq
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Old November 29th, 2006, 04:00 PM   #7
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 373
Thanks for the info Randy. I never even thought of the library..i havent been to one in years (except for meetings). Looks like no local library carries it (according to your list). I'll have to ask about that I.L.L. deal you mention though.
Lisa Shofner is offline   Reply

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