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Old May 14th, 2006, 08:05 PM   #31
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If you need help with post, you got my number.

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Old May 17th, 2006, 12:00 PM   #32
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Thanks Jim!

Originally Posted by Jim Montgomery

If you need help with post, you got my number.

Just got back from Orlando, and thanks for all of the help and suggestions! I may take you up on your offer Jim, as you are so great on AE and Encore. This family deserves all the best.

I walked and shot Sunday 14 hours, and Monday 12 hours. I stayed and shot some more on Tuesday until we got rained out, and then I shot a character breakfast at the Cape May Cafe this morning. I am heading back on Saturday, to shoot what was washed out on Tuesday, the International places at Epcot. This family absolutely loves WDW and has been going for about 20+ years.

The boys, Ryan, Colin, and little Liam are the greatest kids, and the husband and parents are wonderful! They made me feel like one of the family. The kids did not want me to leave, and were very happy to find I would be back on Saturday.

The two older boys, Ryan and Colin nick named me "cameraman," as their dad is named Mike too! They are great kids, and both sets of parents are to be envied as absolutely wonderful people! I can't imagine their life without their mother being there.

I will be going up to CT in June, if all goes well, as Lisa will be the honary chairperson for a cancer walk and fundraising event.

Thanks for all of the help, and now I'm going to go out and drink way too much!

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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:16 AM   #33
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First I wish you all the best and send my prayers forth to this family. After the entrance is a large courtyard near the Castle that offers a fairly open area, There are people strolling through, yet the area is large enough to set up with many of the cartoon characters i.e. pluto, goofy, etc., that will work with you to run up and hug certain people or create a small scene with members of the family. Obviously the fireworks are a great shot each evening. You have a program manager assisting you. Ask for permission to get in front of and accross from the the performances that view the surroundings while framing the family among the crowd such as the dolphin and killer whale shows or other attractions. Some of these areas are not for the public at large, but offer great vantage points. I assume some of the shooting will allow you to map your way ahead of the family without making them too aware of the camera at times. Can you arrange to scout some of the locations ahead of time with some of the attractions they will be visiting one by one for vantage point and a "in a movie feel".? Perhaps you can take some of the rides twice; one for perspective and another with the family filming from in front or behind them. Lots of closeups. I imagine this will be an incredibly tender time for them. I wish you all the best.

Warm Regards,


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Old May 18th, 2006, 02:58 AM   #34
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You've permanently captured a moment of their lives that will be ever more valuable as time goes on. Looks like there might be a spot reserved for you in Heaven -- meanwhile, it's definitely Miller Time!
Dean Sensui
Exec Producer, Hawaii Goes Fishing
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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:56 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
I will be going up to CT in June, if all goes well, as Lisa will be the honary chairperson for a cancer walk and fundraising event.

When you do my XL2 will be at your deposal if you need it (as well as the rest of my kit.)

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Old May 19th, 2006, 06:32 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Bill Hamell

When you do my XL2 will be at your deposal if you need it (as well as the rest of my kit.)


Thanks for the offer Bill. How far are you from Torrington? I guess it can't be too far in Connecticut! :)

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Old May 19th, 2006, 11:41 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
Thanks for the offer Bill. How far are you from Torrington? I guess it can't be too far in Connecticut! :)

Yeah, we are not the largest fish in the sea :-)
It is about 2 hours away. Closer than Florida though. ;-)

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Old May 19th, 2006, 02:06 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Bill Hamell
Yeah, we are not the largest fish in the sea :-)
It is about 2 hours away. Closer than Florida though. ;-)

They said it is still rainy and cold up there too!

My local friend, who asked me to do this, is going to CT in June too. See is flying up. I may drive so that I can haul all of my equipment up. There is no way to get it all on a plane. Besides, I have never done a road trip up the East coast, and it should be fun. I'll just take my time going up and see some sights. 1300 miles, but less than the 1600 miles I did last summer!

I have posted three pictures for you all, to see what a nice family they are. Perhaps one day we can do some sort of charity fund raising for them.
Thanks again to all, and I’ll keep you posted. Oh, and one last note. For anyone who has ever felt self-conscious about carrying a big conspicuous camera around in public and felt all of the eyes fixed on you, I can say that shooting for 4 days in Walt Disney World will cure you very quickly. Did get lots of nice comments on the XL2!

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Old May 19th, 2006, 02:23 PM   #39
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Great photos, FYI I'm not a bad still photographer if you need one.

Just a thought, if you want you can ship some/all of the stuff to me and pick it up on the way through, that way it will not be at risk during the road trip.
Your call just thought I would offer the storage space. :-)

Do you have the dates?

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Old June 28th, 2006, 12:47 PM   #40
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For those interested in an update!

To all who have given me help and insight as to how to handle this task, here is an update.

I just returned from Connecticut, where I attended the American Cancer Society Relay for Life event in Winsted. My now dear friend and the subject of my documentary, Lisa Baca, was the Honorary Chairman for this event, and gave a great, heartwarming and inspiring speech to an enthusiastic crowd to open the event.

Around 30+ teams participated in this event and raised about $125,000.00 for cancer research. I felt very privileged be part of this event and an honorary member of their great family. The two oldest boys, Ryan (13) and Colin (11) walked a total of 47 miles during this 18 hour all night long event. Lisa, her husband Mike, her mom and dad, Jan and Carl walked just about as much. I did not quite walk that far I don’t think, I didn’t keep track, but my legs tell me I walked a lot—Ouch! Lisa’s team raised the most money of any team, at over $8,100.00.

Below is a link to an article in the local paper about Lisa and this event. Please take a moment to read it, as it is moving and inspiring. I have her speech recorded and will be part of the final documentary.

My involvement with this has changed my life forever and for the better! See my announcement in a couple of days, about one of the changes.

For those who may wonder how the filming of the trip to Walt Disney World went, I received nothing but rave reviews. Thank you lord! The DVD was about 90+ minutes long, and brought tears to the eyes of all who watched it. Little Liam, 2 ½, watched it 4 times in a row the first day. He does not understand what is happening, but loves Disney. I made the DVD in nine separate chapters, which were randomly selectable.

I will be following up on this and trying to put together a documentary with the purpose of raising money for the American Cancer Society. Another trip is in the planning, maybe three or so weeks from now. Not too much time left.

Thanks again to all, on this great forum, for your help.

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Old June 28th, 2006, 01:49 PM   #41
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Mike, what double post? ;)

Glad to hear this is going well. Just curious about permission from Disney to use footage shot in their park on other projects?
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Old June 28th, 2006, 01:57 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
Mike, what double post? ;)

Glad to hear this is going well. Just curious about permission from Disney to use footage shot in their park on other projects?
Hi Dylan,

Thanks for taking care of the post problem. This is a glitch in the system that happens every once in a while. You edit a post, and it messes up and posts it again and not complete. It seems that if you just correct a mispelled word, sometimes it cuts off about half of the post and reposts it. I'm sure others have had the same problem, as the number of double posts have increased.

I have the name of a public relations person at Disney, who I delt with, and I am going to contact him when I am ready to finish this project. I would only use a few minutes of the footage anyway, but I'm sure they would be OK with it. I am going to send any footage I intend to use for prior clearance. They, Disney, were very helpful the whole time.

Good to hear from you. Will send you an email in a day or so. Maybe big news for the Las Vegas Gang.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 02:01 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
Mike, what double post? ;)
A funny note to this, I recieved two email notices of your reply to my post in my email too! Both the same, Strange!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 09:32 AM   #44
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Thank You!

For all who are interested, my friend Lisa passed away this morning. She was a real fighter and lived months longer than what was expected. By hanging on longer, she was able to enjoy one more Thanksgiving with her family and her youngest son Liam’s 3rd birthday.

During my trips to Connecticut and Disney World, I got to know the family well, and what was at first a simple job, lead me to make many new and wonderful friends and made many positive changes in my life.

For all of those who gave me advice and assistance, thank you! And, for all of you who put Lisa and her family in your prayers please do it one more time.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 05:04 PM   #45
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Sorry to hear the sad news.

Nice to know, however, that you added a great deal to your friend's life and have recorded some wonderful memories of her that will carry on through the years.
Dean Sensui
Exec Producer, Hawaii Goes Fishing
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