Help w/ 16x9, please! at
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Old January 21st, 2006, 10:58 AM   #1
Jason Ramsey
Posts: n/a
Help w/ 16x9, please!

I have an upcoming project (2 cam shoot, 1 day) w/ a very limited budget. My client wants 16x9 SD output to DVD, not broadcast. So hopefully we can output the DVD for correct formatting on a 4:3 TV (letterbox) and a 16x9 (wide screen). I almost always rent equipment, however, I have just replaced an old XL1 w/ a DVX100b. The plan was to match the “b” to an “a.” But the only rentals I find here in Philly are “100.” To bring in a “b” or “a” will push my client’s budget overboard and eat into my profit, since most rental houses want to charge at least 1-1/2 to 2 days. BTW, the cost of renting in NY or LA is much more than Philly.

I can’t find the Anamorphic Lens here in Philly for rent and to bring two of them in would once again push my budget. My other option is to try and match the “b” in squeeze mode to an available XL2 in 16x9. One camera will remain wide throughout the shoot, while the other is either handheld or placed on some sort of dolly or jib.

Have any of you matched the XL2 to “100, a, or b” for 16x9? Were the results good? Also, does the XL2 in 16x9 behave like the DVX100b in Squeeze? Basically, does the 16x9 footage from the XL2 look distorted when on a 4:3, or does it default to letterbox?

Thanks in advance for all your help.
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Old January 21st, 2006, 11:31 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Belgium
Posts: 2,195
Do a search, this topic has been covered many times.

I know someone who said he could match a DVX and a XL2 pretty well, the one in 16/9, the other in letterbox 4/3.
But you'll have to look at your lightening and stuff of course.
Mathieu Ghekiere is offline   Reply

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