Will 58mm lenses look fine on a 43mm thread? at DVinfo.net
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Old January 7th, 2006, 05:43 PM   #1
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Will 58mm lenses look fine on a 43mm thread?

So I have acquired some accessories (wide angle, telephoto) for a GL2 that I don't yet have and since I missed the rebate, I've been considering purchasing a DVC30 instead.
The threads on the lenses I have are 58mm and the DVC30 thread is 43mm. If I get a step-up ring to fit these lenses on, will they work (look) just as good as they would on a camera with 58mm threads?
I'm not technical at all so any pro/cons you can offer are greatly appreciated. I just don't want to have to sell them and buy new sizes. Thanks.
Chris Scharff is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 8th, 2006, 02:40 AM   #2
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Using larger filters is fine, some people even recommend it. Never use filters smaller than the camera lens or you will get vignetting (cropping in the corners).
Marcus Marchesseault is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 8th, 2006, 05:46 AM   #3
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since you will be using only the center part of the lense, this increase the quality of the picture.(color fringing, vignetting are on the outside of the lense)
but unfortunately this will change the specs of the lens and your wide angle adapter will be less wide angle and you telephoto, will become a huge zoom.
since you mentioned 58 to 43, i think it is a bit excessive.
from 58 to 52 or from 52 to 43 or form 43 to 37 would be ok.
Giroud Francois is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 10th, 2006, 03:10 PM   #4
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Thanks for the info. I figured that larger filters would be fine since they are just a flat surface but I was worried about using lenses since putting a larger lens on a smaller camera filter it would be shooting through a slightly different part of the lens, therefore distorting the image from what it would look like if the lens/camera were the same size filter.
So if I have a 58mm .7x wide angle lens and put it on a 43mm camera will the wide angle only amount to something like a .9x wide angle?
What about the telephoto?
Is there anyone that has tried or owns a 43mm camera and uses 58mm lenses on it with a stepup ring?
Chris Scharff is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 11th, 2006, 07:15 AM   #5
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Angle convertors (wide and/or tele)do not change conversion factors when applied to different threads.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 03:40 PM   #6
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Yep, if your lens gets funky in a zoom, it's the fault of the lens.

I use 34mm (or is it 37mm - i forget) cameras with 52mm and 55mm attachments. :D No real isses except 1) it can look a little funny and 2) stacking too much will start to strain the threads. If you've got anything extending 2/3 or more of the length of the camera, I'd look into rod support (or improvise one).
Patrick Jenkins is offline   Reply

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