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Old January 24th, 2003, 05:46 PM   #16
Obstreperous Rex
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Jim, good DV tape is already so inexpensive, why bother with the cheap stuff. Pro-Tape supplies it because unfortunately there's a demand and all of their competitors offer it too.

But DV tape is already the least expensive component in the production chain... why risk your production over a couple of bucks. Myself, I would never spend *less* than four or five bucks per tape. In my opinion just about anybody can afford *not* too trifle with the dirt-cheap stuff; do yourself a favor and leave it alone.

Pro-Tape is still the best place to buy from, not to mention (again) that they sponsor our DV Info Net Community here. Hope this helps,

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Old January 24th, 2003, 06:50 PM   #17
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You know how they make the tape, right? A big wide band that they cut into strips. The best stuff comes from the middle of the strip, the tape that is of lower quality comes from the edges. I think there is little doubt that the tape sold at lower prices -- anywhere -- is going to be the lowest quality tape produced by that maker. So it's a good bet that the grey market tape, while 'real Fuji', is probably the weakest stuff they make.

Think about the international shipping. Is the gray marketeer being careful about the temperature control in the container they use when they are shipping your tape in from Korea or Brazil? Not if their goal is to sell at the absolutely lowest price: They're taking the absolute cheapest route to moving the tape from there to here. That can mean boxes stacked too high, pressures, temperature fluctuations, all kinds of things that Fuji, Sony, and other reputable companies would never allow in their shipping.

and then there's the problem of tape that looks like Fuji, but it's not. Someone has stolen the Fuji brand and look and has stuck some other tape in that package, so you're not even getting what you think you are. This type of product is sold as if it is 'gray market,' but it's really a brand-theft. Those cassettes will often contain less tape than is indicated on the package, and of course at very very low quality. That's the kind of thing that can happen to you when you purchase grey market (or what you think is gray market) stuff.

I agree with Chris and Jeff. Think of what you are doing when you are buying gray market tape: You are demonstrating a fierce determination to be absolutely certain that you -- YOU! -- are that videographer among all the videographers in the world who is working hardest and showing the most determination to be certain that they are buying absolutely the cheapest, crappiest tape on the face of the Earth.

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Old January 24th, 2003, 07:27 PM   #18
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This a little off topic but will bring home the point about grey market goods. This advisory was just put out my Olympus Cameras America.

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