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Old August 13th, 2017, 12:08 PM   #16
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
H Doug,

Just read through the relevant section 336 and I would add a word of caution. Although you are not filming weddings for any payment, you did say that you were a Vblogger. If using video in other forms is a part of your business that receives payment, it could be construed that the drone footage from the wedding could be used to enhance your profile, even if you declare it as hobby or leisure use. It could be seen that if you were filming and editing the video for a number of hours for a client, including the drone footage, even if no payment was received you could be stepping over a fine line.

If the client puts the video on YouTube for instance and a local commercial drone operator or wedding videographer using drones sees it, he could get quite disgruntled about it.

I'm not saying that it would happen, but forewarned is forearmed.

Thank you for welcoming me to the board Roger.

I don't monetize my YouTube videos. We could get way off track discussing this, but in brief, even if this was a paid gig, I'd still be okay without a permit after paying then passing the USA FAA part 107 exam.

I may soon get my part 107, not because I have to, simply because I enjoy the drone hobby.

Thank you Roger.
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Old August 13th, 2017, 05:44 PM   #17
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

The drone stuff aside are you planning on turning this iPhone thing into a wedding business? Seems like a lot of equipment/time/effort for a hobby. Or is just vlogging equipment re purposed for kicks?
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Old August 13th, 2017, 07:25 PM   #18
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Pete Cofrancesco View Post
The drone stuff aside are you planning on turning this iPhone thing into a wedding business? Seems like a lot of equipment/time/effort for a hobby. Or is just vlogging equipment re purposed for kicks?

Hmm, need to put more thought to it.

Or...I could teach people how to make a wedding video with a smartphone. :-)

Last edited by Doug Ales; August 13th, 2017 at 09:11 PM.
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Old August 14th, 2017, 06:11 AM   #19
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

I've got to say I'm surprised at how lax these laws seem to be. If I'm reading this correctly it seems as though it is perfectly legal for a 55 pound drone (ie something big enough to carry a Red or Alexa mini) to be flown above a crowd of people, within restricted airspace, without a spotter - so long as it is not done for commercial gain.

This seems insane! The safety laws are put in place to protect people from user error or mechanical failure - surely accidents are not going to be less likely simply because it is recreational rather than commercial use. Imagine if the road rules only applied to commercial vehicles, and every one else could speed, ignore traffic lights, and do burnouts to their hearts content!
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Old August 14th, 2017, 06:39 AM   #20
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Doug Ales View Post
Thank you for welcoming me to the board Roger.

I don't monetize my YouTube videos. We could get way off track discussing this, but in brief, even if this was a paid gig, I'd still be okay without a permit after paying then passing the USA FAA part 107 exam.

I may soon get my part 107, not because I have to, simply because I enjoy the drone hobby.

Thank you Roger.
As you say, the drone use conversation could go way off track and I am sure you know the rules and regs for where you live. I have a Phantom drone with a GoPro on a gimbal and FPV screen monitoring. I love flying it and taking arial footage. As I am a full time professional videographer and photographer, I did consider taking some drone footage at weddings for my own fun and at no cost to the Couple. However, it was quickly pointed out to me that if I used it in anyway alongside my paid work I would require the full UK CAA UAV licence after taking the written and flying training and exams at considerable cost. That was inspite of already having a pilots licence, so I decided it wasn't worth the cost to provide a few seconds of arial footage or risk a big fine.

As regards teaching people to video a wedding with a smart phone, seems a little pointless because if they are going to put a considerable amount of time into learning about visual flow, colour correction and matching, overcoming problems, editing and how to get decent audio, they are going to want some money coming in from it. If that's the case then they are better off using a video camera that is probably no more than a decent smart phone and join all the other low level videographers. At least they will be able to offer higher image quality.

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Old August 14th, 2017, 07:08 AM   #21
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
As regards teaching people to video a wedding with a smart phone, seems a little pointless because if they are going to put a considerable amount of time into learning about visual flow, colour correction and matching, overcoming problems, editing and how to get decent audio, they are going to want some money coming in from it. If that's the case then they are better off using a video camera that is probably no more than a decent smart phone and join all the other low level videographers. At least they will be able to offer higher image quality.

I agree with Roger's assessment. Just on appearances I can't see some one showing up to a paid gig with a phone. Besides are you going to try selling electronic gimbal lessons for the smartphone to uncle bob? Once you factor in all the other aspects of filming and editing a wedding... I could see this topic as good material for that dummies book series " iPhone Weddings for dummies"
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Old August 14th, 2017, 08:34 AM   #22
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Nice. Tilt down on the wide shot, but overall, good job.
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Old August 14th, 2017, 07:57 PM   #23
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Pete Cofrancesco View Post
" iPhone Weddings for dummies"
Thank you for your insight Roger and Pete.

There is a guy teaching iPhone photography. Here is an example. https://iphonephotographyschool.com/...=6075415252342

I've yet to find anyone teaching iPhone videography.

But again, I'm not sure I would want to do it beyond a hobby. I do well at my carrier. http://www.linkedin.com/in/dougales

Last edited by Doug Ales; August 15th, 2017 at 03:51 AM.
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Old August 14th, 2017, 07:58 PM   #24
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Phil Goetz View Post
Nice. Tilt down on the wide shot, but overall, good job.

Nice tip Phil. Thank you
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Old August 14th, 2017, 11:27 PM   #25
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Pete Cofrancesco View Post
"iPhone Weddings for dummies"
Haha nice.

I'm actually in the process of writing a more general "iPhone Videography for dummies". It's 482 pages but every page just has the exact same text: "Hold your phone horizontally"

I think repetition is the key here.

Jokes aside I think there is a market for teaching smartphone video techniques - target it at journalists, PR, and social media producers, who are more and more being required to multi-task and generate content with their smartphones in the course of their regular activities. You might even get the odd 'uncle bob' signing up too.
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Old August 15th, 2017, 01:43 AM   #26
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

BBC Academy - Journalism - Smartphone journalism: Video
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Old August 15th, 2017, 05:23 AM   #27
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Re: "Hi! I'm Uncle Bob and I'll be using my iPhone..."

Originally Posted by Doug Ales View Post
Thank you for your insight Roger and Pete.

There is a guy teaching iPhone photography. Here is an example. https://iphonephotographyschool.com/...=6075415252342

I've yet to find anyone teaching iPhone videography.

But again, I'm not sure I would want to do it beyond a hobby. I do well at my carrier. http://www.linkedin.com/in/dougales
Good to see you have a established career. Initially I thought you might be one of those people looking for an "angle" to make money. Like I said I could see it as a fun topic for an article , vlog, blog, book etc just not a pro wedding business model.

Or what John said there is a big social media market who might want to learn some of the techniques you used for non wedding purposes.

Ideas on their own don't succeed or fail it often comes down to how determined you are to achieve them. I remember when ebay first started I couldn't imagine strangers buying selling used stuff to each other online.
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