Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production at DVinfo.net
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Old March 27th, 2015, 02:36 AM   #1
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Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production

I've got a conference coming up and I also have the opportunity to generate a PowerPoint template file which would be mandatory for the presenters to use.

The biggest opportunity here is to have finished PPT files that already obey the 'safe zone' type issues of video .... making it a lot easier for the post production side of things.

Does anyone have any prior experience with this sort of thing? I have a feeling that widescreen data projectors are a minority, and that we might be stuck with a 4:3 (or similar) projection unit. But it's worth having a crack at it.

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Old March 27th, 2015, 07:40 AM   #2
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Re: Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production

I have to deal with Power Point all the time. My personal preference is for the presenters to use 16:9 landscape mode, then the projector will just letterbox it. I haven't had anyone not like the letterbox look on the projector yet. Of course if everybody does 16:9 then usually you can tell many projectors to go to 16:9, but if the screen is 4:3 it will still letterbox it. As for a template, I don't have one, but what has worked will is to tell all the presenters to make sure any graphics or text are about 1 inch or so from the top and side edges . Or about a knuckle to knuckle length on your index finger. Another thing you might be able to do is make a border graphic all the way around that the inside is title safe. Then they just import that and build within it. Just a couple of ideas. Good luck.
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Old March 27th, 2015, 07:53 PM   #3
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Re: Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production

I do dozens of videos each year, mainly medical, that use PP extensively. With so many different medicos supplying their 'own version' of their presentations I've all but given up trying to tell them what specs we require the slides in for post production. Most still turn up as 4:3 presentations, grrr!

These days from PowerPoint I just 'Save As' and select TIFF files for output. If the video production is in HD I output larger dimension slides to suit whether it's a 1920 or 1280 post job. How to go about that with a variety of output sizes is outlined pretty clearly here:

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Then in post I normally have the slides on one track and create a somewhat matching grad to go on a lower track to fill the frame. Sometimes I will shrink the upper track to ensure safe area coverage, like slides #02 & #03. If the production has to meet broadcast spec or be shown on TV sets that are looking for a 16-235 video levels I make sure the slides track is scaled to a 16-235 video output level otherwise those slides will be pushing out PC RGB levels of 0-255. A couple of quick treatment examples attached.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
Attached Thumbnails
Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production-ppt-01.jpg   Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production-ppt-02.jpg  

Powerpoint templates to simplify video post-production-ppt-03.jpg  
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