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Old October 7th, 2005, 09:10 PM   #1
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I am not a tech person, so please bear with me. Does more pixel count normally translate to sharper image? I've read in the Sony PDX-10 forum that some people think the PDX-10 produces sharper video image than the PD150. If that's the case, can a single CCD video camera with more pixels outperform a 3CCD camera with less total pixels?

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Old October 10th, 2005, 10:40 PM   #2
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When you say sharpness, I think you actually mean "image resolution", so yes, the more pixels you have, the more resolution your image has. The advatages of a 3-CCD camera have to do with better (more true) color representation of your image because the light coming into the camera lense is separated into red, green, and blue, and each color has its own CCD. The only way the 3 CCD camcorder can have as much (or more) "resolution", is if those 3 CCDs are made up with as much (or more) pixels than the single chip camcorder. This is usually evident by the size of the chip 1/3", 1/4", etc. I'm pretty sure this is correct....someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

Last edited by Steve Witt; October 11th, 2005 at 06:16 PM.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 10:42 PM   #3
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It's quite a bit more involved than this.eg. whatever the CCD pixel count is ,it must be translated via codec to match it's output such as DV(720 x 480) NTSC ,so the translating formula of a camera also plays a role.As do many other factors.
The real question is, why do you ask about sharpness? This will determine what you should investigate.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 04:15 AM   #4
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Let me see if I can be more articulate. It has been said that a Canon GL2 produces sharper video than the XL1, partly due to the increase in pixel count per CCD. I've also heard from Sony PDX-10 owners that their mega-pixel camcorders actually produce better-looking video than that of the Sony PD-150; therefore, Would it be reasonable to assume that a four mega-pixel Canon Optura 600 that devotes about 3.5 million pixels to the 720x480 video would produce better, sharper video than a GL2?

Here is what I have copied from the Canon website. I simply clicked on the 'specification' botton and read the following:

Number of Recording Pixels

Effective Pixels:
Tape: approx. 3,500,000 pixels (4:3)
approx. 2,990,000 pixels (16:9 IS* OFF)
approx. 2,740,000 pixels (16:9 IS* ON)
Card: approx. 4,000,000 pixels

I tried to get an answer from Canon, but they simply ignored me. That's what I get for being a loyal Canon customer for all these years.
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