What do you guys think of this workflow to keep clips organized? at DVinfo.net
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Old June 2nd, 2014, 04:30 PM   #1
Major Player
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What do you guys think of this workflow to keep AVCHD clips organized while editing?

I'm a FCP refugee working in Premiere CS5.5 (for the time being, not subscribed to CC yet). This particular project has a number of short interviews, and lots of background Broll. So far, about 6 separate AVCHD captures with many clips and many scenes on each.
Since you can't move the files around, I'm coming up with ways to stay organized in my approach to editing with AVCHD while keeping file structure and naming intact (read: nightmare). As well as deal with PPCS5.5's limited marker functionality for logging interviews.

(>>EDIT<< I guess I could have shortened this post to say, Using subclips in place of the original footage to organize and leave file structure intact).

The Workflow so far:
1) Bring in each AVCHD archive , mark source clips with markers, put in its own bin labeled with name/date (5-13 shoot card A)

2) For each, make loose subclips (with handles) and put in their own bin, labeling interviews in its own bin

4) Use those subclips from (5-13 shoot, card A) to make a master sequence

5) Make sequences for my eventual edit (5-13 conference, 5-13 speech etc)

6) Cut and paste clips from master sequence into edited sequences - put the clips from the speech in the 'speech' sequence, etc

7) Primarily keyboard-based editing from there in the timeline sequence. (so far, using a lot of a) trim to playhead, 2) In point/outpoint/extract unwanted footage 3)keyboard trimming in the trim window (not used to using that but really like it)

8) As an aside, I mark clips red for good, orange for okay, yellow for followups, green for alternates, gray for junk.

So far this seems to answer the issue of
1) keeping AVCHD file naming structure intact (I don;t want to take any chances even though I've heard PP can rename them
2)keeping source footage in the same tree structure ( If these were AIC file I would have just dragged them to their respective bins
3) It allows me to do a workaround by leaving AVCHD files alone and editing straight from subclips which can be dragged into bins or organized any way.
4) It's a way to organize spoken clips with some type of text description, since PPCS5's markers can't do it.

It seems like a lotta work though. Suggestions welcome. Because it's taking me FOREVER but I thought it would pay off later to be organized.
I guess I could slam it all into the timelines but then the source clips wouldn't be marked, and it appears you can't drag clips to a bin and make subclips the way you can in FCP.

Welcome any thoughts on this. What would your workflow be? Thank you in advance.

Last edited by Kell Smith; June 3rd, 2014 at 07:11 AM.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 06:14 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: USA
Posts: 436
Re: What do you guys think of this workflow to keep clips organized?

Hmmm, no takers? Maybe a little too long of a post for people - sorry to be so long-winded, I just wanted to be precise. So I reworded/shortened a bit and amended the subject line to better reflect the question. Appreciate any tips on organization!
I thought of posting it in the Premiere forum, but decided to keep it here as it's a broader question about editing, organization and AVCHD.
Thank you.

Last edited by Kell Smith; June 3rd, 2014 at 07:13 AM.
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