Any missions work video?
I'm in a really neat deal right now and I could use some help if someone has footage. I'm in a funded start-up that will be releasing our first app in April. We're a for-profit, for-people company and we've pledged to give away half of our earnings to an international humanitarian group. People who subscribe to the app get to choose where they'd like their portion of our profit to benefit through choosing between the following needs: Humanitarian, Disaster Relief, Medical, Education.
On the screen where they choose, I'm wanting to place options for these 4 and I'm wanting to use some short, well-shot video clips that are applicable to each area (Humanitarian, Disaster Relief, Medical, Education) to be looping as they're choosing.
Check out the new Vine app that was released a couple days ago to see a great example of this video concept in action.
Would anyone here have some applicable, great quality clips that they wouldn't mind us using? If not, would you know of a place online that I could acquire some?