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Old May 30th, 2011, 02:01 PM   #16
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Re: Shadowing a Music Video director.


Well, i checked out some advertisement courses here . And it's absurd, universities use the word "edvertisement" to atract students who want to participate in the creative part of Advertisement(creating them), instead, what they offer is some economic/bussines course with a lot of math and regreat.

Thanks guys for information, i guess this i have to figure out on my own. It's aither the film school, or some other subject that would strenghten my comunication skills.

Tho, if some one could share his story of how he interned, what he did there, how he got there, what he learned and so on, would be great.


Does anyone know a good site or article where i can read up about how do i do coverage for music video/how to plan them.

I see rap videos have shots changing every half second +-, does music video director, realy, have to drav a story board of that beffore the vid has been shot, does he have to imagen each of the shot changing after those split seconds, or they have to think of, for example, 3 sets where the act is performing the song from begining to the end and doing all kinds of things, then when its filmed the editors job is to mix them together as they see fit?

Right now i am trying to plan my shoots for a small music video i am making ,and it is mind buging.
If the song would be pereformed just in one location it would be easyer, but it looks rather boring, so to intercut a lot of clips would be better.

Looking for info how to structure it, anything that would clarify the whole process.

Looked into some threads regarding music video planning here, wasnt what i'v looking for.


Music videos are often so dynamic, that its hard to chain them in a story board, it's so ever changing.

Last edited by Gustavs Repse; May 30th, 2011 at 03:19 PM.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 03:20 PM   #17
Inner Circle
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Re: Shadowing a Music Video director.

Quite a lot of advertising involves psychology and a number of people in that industry come from that background. Graphic design and other aspects of advertising can be found at various courses and some of these graduates do end up directing commercials.

There are no set rules as to how music video directors create their ideas, it can vary depending on the artists and the style of the music video. Part of the storyboard's role could be to get the job in the first place, while others are much more free wheeling. Much of the final piece is created in the editing, especially if the style is more spontaneous.

Storyboards can be extremely dynamic as well and drawing skills are well worth while developing. There are storyboarding programs with figures, but I've yet to see one that has the wow factor of a drawing done by an artist.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 03:15 AM   #18
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Re: Shadowing a Music Video director.

Sorry Brian but I couldn't resist modifying your first lines: ;0)

"Quite a lot of advertising involves bullshit and a number of people in that industry come from that background. Graphic design and other aspects of advertising can be found at various courses and some of these graduates do end up directing commercials due to the crap that comes out of their mouths"
Over 15 minutes in Broadcast Film and TV production:
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Old May 31st, 2011, 03:35 AM   #19
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Re: Shadowing a Music Video director.

Yes, there a lot of Bovine Scatology around in advertising.
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