God of Love and the steps to win an Oscar at DVinfo.net
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Old March 31st, 2011, 10:48 PM   #1
Major Player
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God of Love and the steps to win an Oscar

Watching the Oscars and being a ‘new’ filmmaker, I got very excited and inspired by Luke Matheny’s Oscar winning speech. I have not seen the film, but doing a bit of internet research; I am blown away how an 18 minutes film can win an Academy Award!

My question to you, more experienced filmmaker is:

What are the steps to have a shot?

No, I am not asking for any magical formula. I understand if it were, probably most of you would have one. I am just asking what ‘else’ do you need to do to be considered. Technology progress and cost decrement cause hundreds of thousands of short films being produced every day as we know, but what steps do you have to make to have a shot like Luke’s film did? (besides talent)

Submission to contests and/or festivals? Any specific festivals? 35mm only?

Your opinion is very valuable to me and I am sure for thousands of new filmmakers who are just starting in this magical world of filmmaking.

Look forward to reading you!

Kind Regards,
Ben Tolosa is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 1st, 2011, 12:56 AM   #2
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Re: God of Love and the steps to win an Oscar

There are a couple of ways for non student films

"The picture must have been publicly exhibited for paid admission in a commercial motion picture theater in Los Angeles County for a run of at least three consecutive days with at least two screenings a day."


"The film must have won a qualifying award at a competitive film festival, as specified in the Academy Festival List."


"A short film may not be exhibited publicly anywhere in any nontheatrical form, including but not limited to broadcast and cable television, home video, and Internet transmission,"

That one catches out a few films.

Short Films Awards | Rules for the 84th Academy Awards | Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
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Old April 10th, 2011, 07:57 PM   #3
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Re: God of Love and the steps to win an Oscar

Originally Posted by Brian Drysdale View Post
There are a couple of ways for non student films

"The picture must have been publicly exhibited for paid admission in a commercial motion picture theater in Los Angeles County for a run of at least three consecutive days with at least two screenings a day."


"The film must have won a qualifying award at a competitive film festival, as specified in the Academy Festival List."


"A short film may not be exhibited publicly anywhere in any nontheatrical form, including but not limited to broadcast and cable television, home video, and Internet transmission,"

That one catches out a few films.

Short Films Awards | Rules for the 84th Academy Awards | Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Thanks Bryan VERY MUCH!

That I did not know about this at all and now I do. I am sure this will instruct other people as well.

I very much appreciate the information.

You have a wonderful week!

Best Regards ^_^
Ben Tolosa is offline   Reply

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