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Old March 29th, 2011, 03:39 AM   #16
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Re: Pan technique

Allan could you explain this please: "Another trick is, in the menu, select zoom numbers for the display ie: Z0-99. "

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Old March 29th, 2011, 08:02 AM   #17
Inner Circle
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Re: Pan technique

I think he's referring to the Canon's ability to set lens preset positions, so you set a particular field of view, the camera memorises it and then you can go between it and others repeatedly and accurately - abit like the shot boxes found on pro lenses. Very handy when you have the need to repeat framing - motor racing is a good one where, the framing for when the cars appear around a corner needs to be just right, then you zoom out as they approach, and as soon as you are clear, you needs to reframe at the starting position as quick as you can and offer up the picture to the director - no time for going in and out at the zoomed in position, just bash the button, and by the time you've panned back the zoom is already there, waiting for you. Also handy for games shows where you can set the 3 shot on the panel, the wide shot and the single person shot, and keep repeating them. It also makes editing easier as the framing always matches.
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Old March 29th, 2011, 12:17 PM   #18
Inner Circle
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Re: Pan technique

Yep that's good. Marcus, in the Customized Fuctions menu (P95/96) you can set the ZOOM INDICATOR (14) to read GRAPHIC or NUMERIC. The default is the BAR, but I find set to read numbers Z0-99 .. is much more accurate when you're reframing to match a previous shot.

EG: if you're shooting an Equestrian event you could frame each of the jumps beforehand, memorise each of the zoomed numbers and zoom out straight to the correct number minimising the delay. Need a good memory and it helps the concentration.

Bit off topic but that reminds me of a commercial TV spot I did once with Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) for Fosters Beer. He and Strop are at an Equestrian event and the course announcer announces on the public address .. 'the bar will now be raised to six feet.'

Hogan says to Strop 'we better get another beer while we can still reach it.'

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