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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:59 AM   #1
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Super c video converter

Hi guys, has anyone ever heard of, or used the video converter (Super c)? Its a free download and converts alot of different video formats. Just wondering if any of you professionals out there had any knowledge on this for me? Like, the ease or difficulty of use, and does this converter with (AAC Advanced_Audio_Coding) would this eliminate the need for me to use MTS merger to join audio clips together (seemlessly)? I'm planning on buying the hmc 150 and I use ppro cs3 on a pc, and from what I understand, when avchd clips are converted and imported into ppro cs3, where the clips join, the audio drops out! Just doing my homework b4 I make my purchase so i'll know what steps & procedures I have to do, so my learning curve wont be so extensive.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 04:49 PM   #2
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I've used Super C and it's a converter program. I'm not sure if it'll handle merging clips together at all. It's a relatively good converter, but it's kind of convoluted and doesn't explain things very well. I've come to like MediaCoder a lot actually.
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Old March 3rd, 2010, 09:55 PM   #3
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"" where the clips join, the audio drops out! ""

hmm, i have seen that, in DV sequential multi-files, and others. and it gets worse too, not only is the audio dropped out there, but the data is NOT there at ALL. the file end (or is it the beginning) video does not match the audio by about 3/4 of a single frame or something.

Audio--------------------- correct

___________________ problem waiting to occur

When re-assembled as a single video, the encoder/editor things get to this Missing audio they can do one of 2 things depending on the processing going on, shift the audio over < keeping audio going along non-stop, and the audio SYNC is OFF for the rest of the file, then this gets compounded by the NEXT file comming in a shifting audio further off.

File 1 - > file2 - > file3 - > file4

it is ONE cause of long video multi-file audio de-syncing , " Migrating audio", the longer the video the worse it gets.

if delt with properly now that the problem exists :-( it starts the addition of the next file clean and ends the previous file (gap) with 0 level audio. then adds on the next file. (or tosses a frame of video, which is another workaround)

File 1 - > file 2 - > file 3

The audio is gone to begin with as far as i can tell, or did not match the A/V rate, and that is where it finishes, shifting audio across makes all the next audio out of sync. gapping it is MORE repairable than shifting by far, as all you have to do is patch a piece of audio. (most people dont even hear the 1 frame blip).

Whatever it is, when they go to make File after file after file to fix up the 2gig or 4 gig limitations, before tossing it all into one big one, its good to check the audio length in the seperated files, that is where i spotted it a few times.

For Years these companies have worked on digital video to sell us, that they (i mean WE) can have completly stupid problems like this. if you dont notice what is going on, your audio IS out of sync, or has a dropout of sound every once in a while. if you noticed, then the "pro" editing process has one more hurdle to try and leap over.

ok so that isnt nessisarily said correct, but it doesnt get discussed, even though problems like this have existed with SOME long video multi-file stuff for years now.

Could also be related to the 2 seperate "Buffers" used in Mux-demux, where the final muxes are offset out of thier buffers (like frame video buffer delays, or audio sample buffers). all sorts of things that i dont understand, but have seen, like 2 frame video delays through processing boxes.
if you have Never seen anything like this, then you have never recorded hours of video non-stop, or have a setup where this stuff doesnt happen (or you just didnt know it was screwing up).

Myself i have output many videos that audio sync was off by a single frame at times, before i noticed this stuff.
We did avoid Many wacked out of sync things after spending hours even days working with Hours of continuous video with problems like this, when we noticed that an hour later the syncs were getting way off. for us WAY off was 2-3 frames, for consumers way off is a godzilla overdub :-) now we still deal with some audio gap stuff, which i far prefer over the audio going out of sync.

one capture device when operated 100% properly would lose about 1 frame of audio for every 14 minutes when captured as a single WHOLE big 2.0 AVI, (this was on a tyan unclockable server board) we solutioned that by capturing in 10minute sequentials , re-syncing every 10 minutes (so to speak). It is likly that the problem there had something to do with the rate frequency of the audio? the 10minute pieces all end with missing audio.
Re-learning everything all over again, one more time.

Last edited by Marty Welk; March 4th, 2010 at 10:14 AM.
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