Tint Problem in Video footage - White Balance? at DVinfo.net
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 12:02 PM   #1
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Tint Problem in Video footage - White Balance?

I film high school football games. In the late afternoon, before the lights are turned on, I will be shooting the footage, stopping at the end of each play and starting when the offense breaks the huddle. Anyway, all of a sudden, the tint of the footage changes - it appears that the whole screen gets a green tint or later a yellowish tint. The length of time between the shots is only a minute, and I did not move the camera away from the field.

Am I having a white balance problem? If so, what can I do to prevent it? I am using a Panasonic DVC-60 camera.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 12:44 PM   #2
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You may have white balanced off a white source without knowing it. Hard to say. You can color correct as needed in post this time and in the future, since you start with the sun up and end with the sun down, shoot in preset. Gain, you can always tweek the color in post. Having matching shots helps.
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Old October 3rd, 2009, 07:40 AM   #3
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Is your camera set to Auto white balance ?

If so switch to manual.

This will be my 2nd season shooting HS Football and during my first games experienced the color shifting as the sun was setting and the field lights were turned on.

Pre-sets are ok but manual white balancing seems to produce better results.

Typically I white balance twice:
1) Sunlight conditions
2) Field light conditions

If one of the teams has white jerseys will set in manual focus, zoom in, fill the frame with as much "white", pull out of focus and white balance.

Alternative is finding a few Officials together or a fan in the stands wearing white.

Interesting enough depending on the degree of "white" and other colors in frame while balancing the field tends to look greener and the other colors are fairly close.

Once balance is set after field lights condition you should be good for remainder of game.

As a side note taping football games is one of the few times I use auto focus and auto iris.

Here's a link to your camera's User Manual :

White balance adjustments - User Guide - Panasonic AG-DVC60
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