Advice for shooting a Promo video? at
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Old May 5th, 2005, 06:00 PM   #1
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Advice for shooting a Promo video?

Hey all,
One of my friend's fathers has asked me to shoot a promotional video for a natural medicine either school or practice. I am extremely shady on the details; I have an appointment to discuss the project further next Thursday. Here is what I know so far:
It will be an information oriented video...advertising oriented I believe. The final product will be a DVD which will go to print and from what I understand it will be distributed at shows and events which this school/practice attends.

Now obviously I will need a heck of a lot more information, but the goal of posting ahead of my appointment is so that I may read up and be as suggestive and helpful as possible when I meet with him.

So, generally, I was wondering if there are any websites which have tips for this sort of project, or if anyone here may lend some advice.

It's going to be a one man show, no budget type of deal. I will be getting paid, but this is more of a favour for him than anything.

Thanks for your time,
JVC DV3000U - 30P (non-interlaced) capture on a budget - tests@
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Old May 5th, 2005, 11:10 PM   #2
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Get yourself a copy of Barry Hampes book Making Videos for Money. That covers all of this. Most important question is "Who is the audience?".
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Old May 6th, 2005, 01:32 PM   #3
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Thanks for the reply!
I really don't have enough money to spend on this project, I am sure that what I am paid will be more of a gesture. Are there any free resources you know of?

Thanks again,
JVC DV3000U - 30P (non-interlaced) capture on a budget - tests@
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Old May 6th, 2005, 02:39 PM   #4
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The three most important things to nail down are AMP:

Audience - Who is the target audience? Who does this business need to reach in order to be successful in this communication effort. Ask for a description of their demographic - age, gender, educational level etc. Don't accept "General Public" - it's a cop out way to avoid thinking! Even though McDonalds ads are all over the place and they can't control who sees them, it doesn't mean they do not have a specifically targeted audience in mind.

Message - what is the "take away message" from this promo? Is it "Dr. X is a kind and trustworthy person" or "Our approach to medicine utilizes scientifically sound methods and practices" or "We offer great value for your health care dollar" etc. Get the client (no longer a friend - treat him as a professional and customer) to identify one or two key messages.

Purpose - You have identified the audience, clarified a key message or two, now what is the viewer supposed to do? What is the desired outcome? Do you want the viewer to call, visit, attend a class, become a practicioner, refer a loved one, change his/her health habits etc?

After you clarify AMP - then ask "Is this medium (DVD) the best way to reach the clients goals?" If the answer is yes, then start scoping out the approach. How many locations? Professional voice over, or the Dr. on camera. What equipment will you need? Will you need to acquire music rights? Length? If this will be shown at events, a short (2-3 min) piece is about all that viewer interest will bear. If it will be mass produced, you can go a bit longer. Will someone accompany the video delivery to answer questions?

Good luck - I've had a lot of experience in project scoping - will be glad to answer questions.
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Old May 6th, 2005, 05:27 PM   #5
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Wow. That was amazing advice!! Thank you so very much! I'll keep it in mind, and give an update once I have my meeting!

Thanks again!
If anyone still can contribute that'd be great too
JVC DV3000U - 30P (non-interlaced) capture on a budget - tests@
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