XL1s PAL versus NTSC for DV Feature Film? - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old October 6th, 2002, 08:19 PM   #16
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Your advice is well taken and I'll look into making some changes on my site....... No hard feelings........... Writing rarely conveys emotion and therefore it is easy to misunderstand ones motives........ Thanks again for your valuable input....... I shall CERTAINLY take it to heart and attempt to make some changes.

Regards, Pepi.
Pepi Singh Khara is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 17th, 2002, 10:44 PM   #17
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I recently switched my xl1 ntsc to pal because the director I'm working with right now wanted the extra resolution on the project we're working on. I loved my ntsc and was a little hesitant but did it anyway because of her asking.

I'll try to put something on here in case I learn something that is worth sharing with you guys. Take care and hope my honesty and updates help someone else out there.

The lambskin viewfinder(s) can be bought through zgc (www.zgc.com). They cost $5 a piece.

nebunule films LLC
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Old November 18th, 2002, 01:21 AM   #18
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I'm finding that a lot of DVDs play both Pal and NTSC so if you're going straight to DVD or film Pal is great, the problem comes in when you have to record to VHS tapes then you have to convert the signal and all that stuff.

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Old November 18th, 2002, 04:41 AM   #19
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Pepi, I like your website! Don't change it!
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Old November 18th, 2002, 06:46 AM   #20
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At the request of some of my clients I have recently been comparing XL1S (NTSC & PAL) footage to DVX100 footage. I have to say that the PAL XL1S footage was better. I know everyone is going to ask how much better? I can't put a percentage number to it. But, I will say it was visually better. It was also easy to tell the three cameras apart by color, resolution and motion signature. If I were going to film, the PAL XL1S would be my camera of choice, IF, and only IF, the lab doing the transfer preferred it. The lab plays a big, big role in all of this. You have to be comfortable with your lab. That said, the PAL is noticeably sharper than either the NTSC XL1S or DVX100. The motion signature of 50i and 24p were close enough that I couldn't always distinguish between the two (based on motion). What little differences in motion there are would be covered up in the transfer, I would think.

Am I selling all my NTSC gear? No, right tool for the job. I live in NTSC land and the majority of my work demands that compatibility. But if I made my day to day living shooting shorts and features I would be doing it on a PAL XL1S, that's for sure.

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