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Old February 26th, 2005, 06:33 PM   #1
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Dealing with odd talent...kinda/sorta rant.

I usually do instructional videos for retail sale.

When I do the instruction myself, it's a two hour shoot, four hours of editing, and it's ready for the market after about a week...but this is just because I know where I want to go before I start filming.

I just finished filming last week. I've done a video with this guy in the past, but sheesh, he's the type that will be instructing during the shoot, then just veer off into some unrelated tangent for 3 minutes, return to subject, veer off again....or sometimes just mumble to himself for a few minutes while the cameras were rolling. Now granted, this guy knows his stuff, but I really don't think he knows how to give good instruction. It ended up taking about 22 hours spread over two days to boil down into a good 1.5 hour dvd....most of which was me standing on the dining room table looking at a lcd display while he carried on about essentially nothing on topic of the dvd...

Now I figure I can make him look golden on dvd as I did with the last video, but if anyone knew the dark truth behind his inability to teach, I don't think anybody would buy the video...sigh...

Anybody else have to deal with difficult talent? I'd LOVE to know I'm not alone in dealing with some of these folks...
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Old February 26th, 2005, 07:14 PM   #2
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Did you make him watch himself on the video? Or have a 3rd party critique the performance? That can straighten people out.

I worked for 7 years as a software trainer and we were constantly getting graded by the students and management on our performance, it was painful, but it really made me a much better presenter.

Perhaps something to propose to the next talent you work with.

One other thing, many times the most knowledgeable people on a subject aren't the best people to present that knowledge. It might be better to hire them as consultants to help come up with a script that you can hand over to a more talented presenter.

It's more likely to ensure the success of your instructional videos.
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Old February 27th, 2005, 03:43 AM   #3
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odd talent

I work in news, dont even get me is fun to see all the foreign press and especially all the showbiz at the jackson trial and realize there are others who have it much tougher than me :)
milking the celebrity criminal trials thank god for the freaks
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Old February 27th, 2005, 02:34 PM   #4
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I've seen this on corporate shoots LOTS of times. The problem was, these guys are really good in front of an audience but in front of a camera it just looks stupid.
I end up giving a script with the information I want to cover in advance and let them put it into their own words OR have them write the script and then I'll preview it and suggest changes if needed. Plop it on a teleprompter in front of them and make them READ! If it doesn't come on the screen, it doesn't come out of your mouth, that's the rule. There are some variances I'll allow for really talented speakers as long as the controller is paying attention but for most people, its the rule. My time is just as valuable as theirs and the bottom line is, my job is to make them look good while communicating the message.
I have let them view the differences in the two methods and they always like my way better... Well, I did have one guy who thought he was great, until he saw how some of the other executives we shot looked, when he asked how we did it I told him, THEY'RE READING THE PROMPTER!
It's the job of the director to keep the talent on topic and keep the process moving forward. It seems a little kurt at first but when you are working with professionals they will usually understand your just doing your job. If you see a shot fall apart don't be afraid to cut and retake.
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