Shooting video inside a Night Club enviroment *(hidden) at
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Old February 10th, 2005, 08:33 PM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
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Shooting video inside a Night Club enviroment *(hidden)


I will be following a Magician in a busy night club and will be taping him as he does tricks to entertain people. The catch is, his audience must not be aware of the camera, that they will be taped. Hidden camera advice is needed.

I've shot before in clubs, with my PDX10. As long as I stand away, I can shoot without being seen, but there are time when I can't so I have to shoot the ground, walk away, or something innocuous.

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas as to hidden cameras? Small, that can stay on the magician. And can be taken to clubs and not be confiscated (some clubs don't allow video cameras). And of coruse, there is also focus, and lighting issues.

Sound should be no problem, if we're recording with a wireless lav setup.

Any suggestions on how I should do this?

(by the way, this is private video, not for public release, so the people in the video are 'safe')
Ronald Lee is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 10th, 2005, 10:06 PM   #2
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I am not sure I would try to do this without clubs knowledge or permission. Check with a lawyer, but you might be on really thin legal ice if you get caught. That also makes it easier, since you can camoflage camera with a lot of different pre-set objects depending on the club environment.
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Bob Costa is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 10th, 2005, 10:36 PM   #3
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
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Oh I forgot, the camera will be moving, not stationary, as to follow the magician (documentary style).

It's private video, so legally we are safe.
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Old February 11th, 2005, 07:42 PM   #4
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I think you should get the consent of the establishment before recording any footage. You said yourself that they don't allow video so it sounds like your breaking their rules.

Also, I question the personal use of any hidden camera material.

Ben Lynn
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Old February 11th, 2005, 08:58 PM   #5
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there's 2 sides to this one ...

...and at this forum you are likely to get the conservative spin on the issue of your voyeur-like mission. But you are in Canada and also the very liberal (small l) province of B.C. After all, your province (i think) and mine allow women topless in any public place as long as it does not involve commercial gain. Let your concience guide you to get the needed footage in your pursuit of personal expression. Your project seems quite benign and I really doubt that the club cares a hoot about performance rights and copyright exploitation. The no video rule is likely in place to keep incriminating evidence out of the hands of the liquor licencing agencies.

And that's probably where it ends.

If you really need to make a promo reel for your magical friend, then there are very simple ways to accomplish this. If the reel is for a stag party or a double-dog triple dare, then you really need to study hard as to why you would jeopardize your professional career as a video producer to do this.

Fact is, you already knew that!!!

Bottom line: Public location - the rules of public domain rule. Set foot on private property - bring the needed releases and proceed with permission of the owner.

There. 3 slants on the same topic in one tight little post.

Good luck!
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