Canon 600i eating tapes at
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Old January 14th, 2005, 01:43 PM   #1
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Canon 600i eating tapes

I hope this is the right forum for this subject.

I have a Canon 600i which is used as a convenient tape deck and for occasional fun shooting.

Today, while rewinding a tape, it came to a halt with the flashing warning "EJECT TAPE". The cassette came out with some difficulty, with a loop of damaged tape hanging out.

I tried loading another (old) cassette to see if it would play or if was a one-off cassette problem. There was a repeated clicking noise then the eject warning again. The tape was damaged in the same way.

Assuming that if I give the camcorder to Canon Service they will replace the mechanism with another, there is likely to be a fairly standard price for this repair.

Could anyone (preferably in UK or Europe) who has experienced this problem before please give me an idea of the probable cost, as I am anxious to know if this is an economical repair.

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Old January 14th, 2005, 04:14 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Recently I had about the same problem with my almost two years old Canon XM2.
Got the "remove tape" warning during rewinding, but it didn't "eat tape".

This repair was covered by Canon, so I didn't have to pay anything.
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Old January 15th, 2005, 07:41 AM   #3
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Location: Thame, United Kingdom
Posts: 42
Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking about making another enquiry in the Long Black Line forum, in case it was a tape sticking to heads problem, but then I held the cam upside down and shook it.

Out came a number of small items: a stainless steel pin or roller about 7mm long, a washer, a small spring. I hate it when there are loose springs about the place!

So mechanical failure appears to be the immediate cause of the problem, although something may have caused the mechanical failure in the first place. Either way it will have to go to Canon (UK) for a spell.

Anyone with personal experience care to give me a ball-park figure for mechanism replacement. I am more or less decided to get a replacement camera for use as a deck anyway, but it is probably worth repairing the MV600i as I have a load of spare batteries for it.

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