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Old September 29th, 2005, 07:06 PM   #61
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Tiffen 812 Help

Ok I just got the tiffen 812 warming filter and I have the PDX 10. I've been told this is a great combo. I did a short test and it took the SONY look and edges away which is nice. I just need a bit a help with the proper way to shoot with this kind of filter. Ok for out doors? Only Close ups? Thanks
Craig Bellaire
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Old October 4th, 2005, 04:03 PM   #62
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camcorder focusing, new Sony touch-focus still camera

Sony announces digital camera with touch-screen focusing
By Humphrey Cheung
October 4, 2005 - 10:48 EST

San Diego (CA) - Sony preps a new tweak for its Cybershot digital still camera series. The DSC-N1 comes with a "Free Spot Focus," which lets users focus on objects with a simple tap on the LCD screen.


Boy, I would like to have more advanced focusing on my camcorder.
I like the point focusing of my DSLR cameras, and I'd be willing to pay
for an advanced focus module that doesn't just go for contrast maximization on the whole scene. A couple of my videos were softened due to persistent
back-focusing on a white rear wall with a huge black logo. I didn't understand this until I reviewed the video. I was using manual focus with the AF-assist button on my Sony VX2000, on which I would press the button whenever the
subject entered or exited the scene.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 08:13 AM   #63
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Free, open source version of WETA digital's "Massive" (used on LOTR) software:


download the video. i know it's not as good as Massive, but it's FREE!!!! that's unbelievable already in of itself!
bow wow wow
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Old October 13th, 2005, 09:52 PM   #64
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Apparently mixed up .mpegs from P2P

So, I have these clips I'd like to integrate into my Vegas 6 timeline. I got them from a P2P file sharing service. They are the size of the correct clip length ... about 20 megs each, but when I go to play them in Media Player or PowerDVD or anywhere, they show as 10 or 15 seconds. It plays from the beginning but cuts out after the 10 seconds is up.

Here's the weird thing, though. If I move the cursor, it will skip ahead randomly to a point not accessible otherwise.

If I had to visualize it, it seems like there are multiple layers sitting on top of each other. Or maybe just a timecode that repeats and fools the players.

Any advice?


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Old October 17th, 2005, 03:36 PM   #65
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Line up Shots for Composite?

I am planning on making a film called The Sniper and I need alot of shots of a man on a industrial roof of some sort. I might be able to get onto a roof to get some still shots but I was going to green screen a man laying on another floor to film him and composite the roof under him later. How would I go about making sure the stills I take match each shot? I was thinking along the lines of measured references like golf balls or something in the shot and then lining the camera up on the roof to shot, but that raised another problem. Is there a way to overlay an image on the lcd so I can see where the golfballs should line up? I know that the GL2 has this capability of overlay but what about a GS400 from Panasonic? If anyone has any other suggestions for setting up this shot or accomplishing it, Ide greatly appreciate it.

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Old October 18th, 2005, 10:31 AM   #66
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DVInfo members on Maui?

Hey, all.

I'm in Maui this week and next. In fact, I'm typing this from Cafe Cafe in Dolphin Plaza right now. I searched the forums for "Maui", but only found one member, Todd Mizomi, who has not emailed back. Maybe he changed his email.

Anyway, I'm here on vacation and would like to hook up with fellow DVInfo.net members for a beer or Maui Taco. Members who either live on Maui or will be in the Kehei area this week or next are welcome to go to my profile and shoot me an email.

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Old October 18th, 2005, 12:55 PM   #67
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Getting video to a video iPod

Very interesting bit on engadget, about getting recordings from a Tivo to a video iPod. Take a peek here: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000583063891/

They are using the videoplayer VideoLan (VLC) in streaming mode to do the conversion to MPEG4. This is interesting since it means that anything that the VLC-player can show in realtime can be converted to iPod-ready video just as fast or faster.

The VLC does not perform any resizing. This means that if the MPEG-decoder in the video iPod is unable to resize video, then an additionel step has to be taken in order to get the device to show the video.

I am not able to test this, as I do not have one of the new iPods (yet), but the video I have converted using VLC plays nicely in iTunes.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 09:12 AM   #68
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video editing backup solutions

I am looking for some backups solutions for my situation. I currently use two pc's one for general work and the other for encoding videos. I currently am thinking about setting up a gigabit network and saving all of my files on the raid 5 server instead of the two pc's. I have large video files. I would then use some incremental backup software to backup the raid5 server.Not sure which medium to backup the raid5 server files to. I hear windows storage 2003 is a good software for the raid5 server to run on. What do you guys think?
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 12:49 PM   #69
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Issues with Enigmas

I'm working on an experimental short right now, silent narrative with music and sound fx, nothing big, just something to submit to festivals to get my feet wet, no profit planned.

A big section of this takes place in a Las Vegas hotel room. There are no establishing shots that imply which hotel this is, though the view out the window might give it away if you know your Strip geography. I have an earlier shot of the sunrise reflecting of Mandalay Bay, so if one was to reach they could assume it took place there, but I don't really suggest it.

My question is, if I need to, do I need to contact the powers that be to get permission to do this? We are paying for the room just like normal guests, I plan on removing any and all stationary and setting up my own props, and like I said, the exact hotel is never mentioned. It is a very simple sequence, no Fear and Loathing.

If I should get permission, does anybody have any idea how to contact people in casinos who can actually make decisions. I've been trying for months now and I'm beginning to think that they don't actually exist.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 05:33 PM   #70
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From 16MM to DVCAM in Miami

I am looking for a good place for to transfer some 16mm color movies to DVCAM in Miami - Fort Lauderdale area...Any recomendation about?


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Old October 24th, 2005, 07:20 AM   #71
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Firewire network?

Does anyone one have any idea how to connect a laptop and desktop pc using firewire?
Both pc's have windows xp. I have the firewire cable connected to both.
The desktop pc is already on a regular ethernet network, but i want this laptop/desktop connection just beteween these 2. I've looked this up and all I get is run the network setup wizard, but I've had no luck that.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
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Old October 24th, 2005, 09:18 AM   #72
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Battery Pack = Screen Distortion, help.


I purchased the Marshall V-LCD4-PA 4" Camera Mountable LCD Monitor with Battery and Case from B&H. The problem I've discovered was in charging the battery. I know it came with about an 80% charge and it was working fine. Then the screen started distorting - showing horizontal lines, a white/gray screen, and a buzzing sound with no picture at all. So I thought it just needed to be recharged. However, it appears it's not charging, the pack or the adapter does not even feel warm after an hour or so, and I still see the same distortion on the screen. I then hooked it up to the regular plug-in adapter and the screen works fine. But when I plug in the battery pack, it still shows distortion and no picture. Anyone familiar with these "symptoms"?
B&H is closed til Oct. 27th so I thought I'd reach out to this community in the meantime. Probably just a faulty battery pack/charger that I need to exchange.

Last edited by Armin DeFiesta; October 24th, 2005 at 10:05 AM.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 05:51 PM   #73
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Networked Slideshow ?

I have no idea where this thread belongs, but seeing how there are so many resourceful people on this board hopefully some one can help.

Here’s my problem; there is an halloween event this coming weekend that I’m helping organize. At this event there will be a booth where people wearing costumes will have their picture taken for a contest. The camera will be a canon 20d and will be tethered to a computer. Now here is the tricky part, I am going to have the jpegs saved to the local network. There are various screens throughout the building all with their own source computers.

What I would like to know is. Does anyone know of an application that can play a slideshow, taking the jpegs from the network drive, which will be updated as the pictures are taken.

Originally the organizers were planning on continuously slides to a power point. My first thought was the “My Picture Slideshow” screen saver in windows xp. However all the source computers are windows 2000pro.

Any help would be great.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 10:31 PM   #74
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Filters, Lights and supports

Hello fellow video creators!

I just recently bought my Canon XL2 camcorder and since its arrival I have been researching different support systems, lenses, filters and affordable lighting kits.

I COULD post each piece of equipment in their respective forum, but considering that I have several questions about numerous equipment I thought it would be best to post on the General forum. If this is a problem, my apologies--delete the thread and I'll post everything in their respective forums. On to the questions.

I've been looking at Tiffen filters quite a bit and there are a few I want to buy. My question is, are they worth it? Do they really make a difference on your recordings? I've seen some pictures and comparisons to the filters I want to buy and they look quite awesome, but advertisement can sometimes be a little if not, completely false. So I'd like to get some feedback from tiffen users or people who have used Tiffen once or twice and can recall their experience.

As for light kits, I'm a beginner and I was looking at the Lowel - DVcreator Kit 55. Is it worth the cash? I'm not much of a DP and don't know much about lighting, but I do intend to learn as much as I possibly can. It looks like a great kit to start out with and it looks like it will last me quite a good while before I have to upgrade or start getting more lights.

As for the supports, I've thinking about getting a steady stick from DVcreators.net as well. Looks comfy and pretty damn versatile for its price. I want the steady stick to replace the need of a tripod for now, not for good! I plan on using the steady as a tripod for a couple of months. Good choice, bad choice? Do you guys recommend something else?

I've been curious about the Skycrane Premiere, but their website does not have any images. I can't tell if the image gallery is displaying the audtion or shottaker. One of these (probably the jr) is also on my buying list.

thanks in advance, I hope to soon start sharing my experiences and videos with the rest of the community!

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Old October 27th, 2005, 12:41 AM   #75
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Mixing 24p and 25p (deinterlaced 50i) footage in one film. Some guidelines please.

Hi guys,

I have a tricky situation here. I recently shot half of my short film using the Panasonic AG-DVC32E (PAL). Unfortunately, the camera broke down in the middle of the shoot (improvised car mount probably rattled the camera's insides). Since I live in an NTSC country, it might take a while before my camera gets repaired. However, a friend has offered to lend me his DVX100a (NTSC) so I can finish the film.

Can anyone give me some guidelines, tips or warnings about combining PAL 25p footage (after deinterlacing from 50i) and NTSC 24p footage? The original plan was to print the final cut to film, which based on research, won't be too problematic. But what if we decide to do an NTSC output for TV? Is there anything I should watch out for?

Would appreciate your replies.

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