DVinfo Convention in Las Vegas? at DVinfo.net
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Old September 6th, 2002, 10:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Osaka, Japan
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DVinfo Convention in Las Vegas?

Everyone seems to have their own convention, MacWorld, DEFCON, WEVA, well, what about us? I try to meet other DVinfo members when I travel, met up with Adrian up in Tokyo this summer, going to meet Ed Frazier and hopefully ***Angel also in El Paso, Texas next week, but it seems to me that a lot of you out there also try to do the same, we've met on the boards, let's meet in person.

A weekend picked out a year in advance gives plenty of time for most of us to be able to attend. We certainly have enough hardcore members(I seem to see most of the same names logged on and writing on the forum) for us to have at least 100 members attend the first convention. The 4 of us here in Japan would certainly go, flying from across the states is a lot easier than from Japan, I'm sure our european members would try to make it, see Las Vegas and America and hang out with your dv brothers and sisters, plus, maybe you can win a million dollars!

Chris, there are lots of members who can help you organize this, we all know you are the busiest guy around, you can pick a date and people will come. Any Dvinfoer's in Vegas?

Another thing, besides doing a search, there has got to be an easier way for us go get a hold of members in our area, it would help if the members location(city and state, or country) was made a requirement. with the new location mandatory, you could set up a list by city/state/country. Making people use their real name would be nice but not necessary, as long as we can communicate with them, but at least knowing where they are from would help a lot, what do you people have to hide?

Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated, I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the future.
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old September 6th, 2002, 11:24 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Oy vey, Las Vegas he says! My Vegas threshold is about 48 hours... per year, and I've done five trips already since last November. We had talked about DV Info Far East, in Oz perhaps; I'm down for that!


Networking area to accomodate your suggestion happening soon.

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Old September 6th, 2002, 11:29 PM   #3
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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I'll stand behind Rik on that suggestion. But Oz? Might just turn out to be the "Far Easters" that show up to that one! As for me...pick a spot on the globe and I'll be there.

The "Networking Area" you mentioned sounds interesting, Chris. Looking forward to it.

John Locke
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Old September 6th, 2002, 11:35 PM   #4
Obstreperous Rex
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Well, no doubt, if we meet in the US then it's *gotta* be Vegas!


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Old September 7th, 2002, 01:29 AM   #5
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Oz sounds cool but with most of the members in the states, I think for them to get to the convention it would be easier, plus Vegas is 24hours non stop, anywhere else, bars restaurants and other places close at 2am. Not that we'll be at bars the whole time, but it's nice to be somewhere everything doesn't shut down early. Another thing, if its in the off season, hotels would be hell of cheap, doesn't the continental have $25 rooms?

Another thing about vegas, bring the wives along and have the wives go out together while boys play,er, I mean talk serious digital video business:-)

And the airfare to Vegas is cheaper than the airfare to Oz, we can all fly into L.A. and then to Vegas, getting to OZ is a long trip. How about we have the 2nd one in OZ.

I'm also looking forward to the networking area.
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old September 7th, 2002, 09:39 AM   #6
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"The 4 of us here in Japan would certainly go, flying from across the states is a lot easier than from Japan, I'm sure our european members would try to make it,"

You forgot me the ozzie con espanol!!!

I think comming to Australia, especially Melbourne would be a great idea, my family owns a motel, we could set all you up nice and cheap, like $40 US including break/dinner, and can use the resturant/conference hall as a place to meet.

BUT, alas for most folk ozland is a bit far and expensive to fly to.
Ohh well, but you dollar kicks ass here, basicly doubling your money, it is very cheap here for you guys.

I'll see if i can start a poor uni student fund somewhere to get me up there to Las Vegas.

I'll make a deal with Chris and Chorizo, if i make my way there, you're buying a big dinner with all the smatterings of an American buffet included lol considering i will be the poorest person in the states comming on the ozzie dollar. Heh heh (joking)

Para Chorizo

!Me encanta los 'pokies' y las chicas Americana (y aligien con el nombre huele de chorizo debe encantar las chicas)!

De donde sos?

Mis abuelos paternal son de Andalucia y los maternal son de Buenos Aires.

Mi padre naci en Belgica y mi madre de Alemania. !que extrano!

Y como te llamas? Soy Zacarias, pero aqui es Zac, en sur america es 'suck' (jeh jeh).

Pues, es muy tarde
'ta luegito
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Old September 7th, 2002, 10:07 AM   #7
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If you come out there if it happens, I'll split the cost of a dinner for you with Chris, first the convention has got to happen,
here's an old analog interview a friend did for his webzine: http://www.airmassive.com/sanchez.html it explains the origins of my moniker.

I don't know the call on languages, but usually I try to keep it to English, unless, as in several cases, some people from Spain or Mexico joined the forum but they didn't speak english so we had to write them back in Spanish, I think Chris also provided the translation in English so others who didn't speak Spanish could read what was said. A couple of lines in other languages is okay, but I think it's only fair to have everyone be able to read it(with English being the main language on this forum), then we don't have to post a translation along with it.
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old September 7th, 2002, 10:42 AM   #8
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What about Hawaii? It's central, cheap in the off season, and a beautiful place to boot. If we avoid the main tourist centers and stick to the Big Island costs would be quite reasonable.
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Old September 7th, 2002, 01:29 PM   #9
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How about NYC - Washington D.C. Northern Virginia?

Where ever it is you might want to do it a day or two Before or After some other video venue is to be held in the same area. Allowing one to kill 2 birds with one airline ticket. M2cents


Hump? What Hump?
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Old September 7th, 2002, 04:06 PM   #10
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Chorizo that's cool,

It was just a little message for you, there are about 5 people in Australia that speak spanish and thats it! lol
So i like to stretch that muscle sometimes. Enjoyed reading that page alot, btw from what i knew i was positive chorizo came from Argentina or Spain, i guess you learn something new everyday!

Keep kicking them and Enjoy.

BTW the football finals are on in Australia at the moment and the entire town is buzzing, its a great time, about 25deg everyday here and people everywhere. Keep em kicking all and have good days.

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Old September 7th, 2002, 05:01 PM   #11
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It will have to be a real convention, speakers, seminars, the whole bit. The IRS looks very closely at these things, especially if they are off shore. I think it is a great idea. But lets do it right, so the people that want or need the tax deduction can get it. Jim's suggestion of right before or after is a good one also. PMA and NAB are both in Vegas this year. NAB would be the obvious tie in for us. But rates might be pretty steep.

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Old September 8th, 2002, 12:30 AM   #12
Obstreperous Rex
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Vegas can be a cheap date when it's done off-season, in the right strip casino-hotel at the right time. Frankly around October (for next year) is good, as there's not much going on for DV shows between WEVA (in August) and Comdex (in November). And the idea of hitting it just before or after NAB or similar is a very good one.

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Old September 11th, 2002, 03:24 PM   #13
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Just thought id have some input on this,,,,by the way is a great idea!

Im in the Vegas area and happen to work very closely with the conventions
and casino industry....Maybe i could be to some assistance
when it is time for a DV info convention....

I would like to hear more about this as the idea conjures.

Adam Lawrence
eatdrink Media
Las Vegas NV
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