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Old August 28th, 2004, 11:34 PM   #1
New Boot
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GL2 Vs XL1s/XL2

Hello everyone I just found this community and have been reading it. Lots of useful information I love it and just had to sign up.

Anyways I'm filming my firs full length feature film and i plan on entering it into some big festivals and possibly selling it. I'm stuck on whether I should be shooting such a film with a GL2 or an XL1s/XL2? Right now I own my own GL2. I was thinking of saving for the XL2 and selling my gl2 and putting its money towards the XL2....i'm curious should I stick with my GL2 or make the move.... I need what would best work well with my project...

You can check out the journal on my film that is planned to be filmed in 2004 at
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Old August 29th, 2004, 07:57 AM   #2
RED Code Chef
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The question is probably easily answered. You say you need to
save money to be able to get the XL2. How about the rest of
the equipment like:

- good audio equipment (mic(s), boompole, etc.)
- lights (hard / soft, bounce bords, color filters etc.)
- ND filter for your camera
- a GOOD tripod
- things like dolly / crane / steadicam if you want those kind of shots

How about the script? Is it done yet? Is it good enough? Then
ofcourse you will also need money to at least feed your actors
and if possible pay them as well.

What I'm getting at is: there is more to making a (good) movie
then just the camera. The GL2 is very capable of making a good
looking movie. Are there "better" camera's? Sure. With an XL1
or XL2 you can get a nice setup with the mini35 adapter, but all
of this takes a lot more money and experience to operate it.

Make sure everything (and I do mean everything) else is in place
and then see how much money you have left for a new camera.
Or if possible a rental would be even better probably.

Rob Lohman,
DV Info Wrangler & RED Code Chef

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Old August 29th, 2004, 05:32 PM   #3
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 38
unless you're going to be using manual lenses or a mini35 i see the gl2 as completely superior to the xl1. moving to that would be an unneccesary step down. the xl2 looks like it's gonna be great, but it's very expensive and will be in short supply for a while. like the above post said the gl2 should do fine if you spend your money putting an extra effort into the production quality.
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