Dumping a 16X9 video to VHS at DVinfo.net
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Old November 8th, 2001, 09:16 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Dumping a 16X9 video to VHS

I have a sony TRV 230 Dig 8 Camcorder that records a great picture in 4X3 and 16X9. When I try to dub this footage from my camera to my VHS VCR, the video is transfered at 4X3 and looks like crap. I want the 16X9 video to be letterbozed on the VHS tape. ANy suggestions? Would a video stabilizer help?
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Old November 9th, 2001, 06:35 AM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Getting a letterboxed 16x9 onto VHS is a fairly complex process. The only DV deck which can output 16x9 with letterbox is the $3,000 Sony DSR-30. Otherwise you'll need to import your 16x9 DV into a computer set up for editing DV. And since you have Digital8, the editing computer is the only way for you to go. Capture video, set up the letterbox, export the video back out.

For instance I use the Canopus DVRex RT and letterboxing is still a bit of a trick. I have to make a picture-in-picture against a black background, with the aspect ratio changed to stretch the video out to full width. Oh well, at least it's a real-time system.

Be sure to read my article, "The Myth of MiniDV Widescreen," on the Watchdog articles menu under Camera Head. Hope this helps,

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Old November 15th, 2001, 09:02 PM   #3
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If you have a computer and can capture on it, there is a computer program called FilmFX 2.32 (or 2.0) which can take your images and put matte lines on the top and bottom for you to have those "bars" look for your 16:9 image. It says it works with many different edit platforms, so check it out. It runs about $500 I believe. I do not have the software personally, but am seriously debating getting it for its other features. This might not be the direction you're wanting to go, but it appears that it'll get the job done.

-- Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
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Old November 18th, 2001, 07:45 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Not the issue.

Hey thanks forall of the replies. The issue isn't gettign the video into the computer. My editing software lets my capture 16X9 videoi quite nicely. And then outputs it to my DV Camera via Firewire and that works well, keeping the 16X9 video.

The problem is making the dub from my Digital Video Camera to an analog deck such as a VCR.

I guess the best way to do it would be to take my actual 16X9 video,and shrink it to fit in a 4X3 (720X480) project that has a blackbackground. Then it would automatically fit and I just output to my digital video camera at 4X3, then make the 4X3 dub to my VCR.

I just didn't want to do those extra steps.

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