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Old July 30th, 2002, 11:31 PM   #31
Air China Pilot
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Location: Vancouver, B.C.
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper : Hmm.. Film is big here, but I still I wouldn't bet the farm on #2. -->>>

There are a few certain things that will keep Vancouver in the film / tv business, Dylan.
1) Our locations will always be good.
2) Our dollar will always be crap vs the U.S. dollar.
3) We speak English.
4) The flight time between YVR and LAX will be around 3 hours and we will always be in the same time zone.

Combine and two of those factors and you have good reasons to film here. I can't see anything changing those factors barring water levels submerging our fair city.
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Old July 31st, 2002, 12:06 AM   #32
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<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Loh : <<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper : Hmm.. Film is big here, but I still I wouldn't bet the farm on #2. -->>>

There are a few certain things that will keep Vancouver in the film / tv business, Dylan.
1) Our locations will always be good.
2) Our dollar will always be crap vs the U.S. dollar.
3) We speak English.
4) The flight time between YVR and LAX will be around 3 hours and we will always be in the same time zone.

Combine and two of those factors and you have good reasons to film here. I can't see anything changing those factors barring water levels submerging our fair city. -->>>

I didn't mean to say that our film industry is shrinking. I'm just saying that I think it is very close to being as big as it will get here, which is still pretty big. Hollywood is now very aware that there are many cities out there that are just as well suited to filmaking than they are, but much more cost effective. They will do what it takes to keep the money where they are, and they certainly have the political power to do it. Our industry will still do very well for a long time to come, we just won't be having V A N C O U V E R spelled out in big letters on the North Shore mountains anytime soon. :)
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Old July 31st, 2002, 10:24 AM   #33
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sorry Dylan, major Maple Leafs fan. The other nice thing about Vancouver is the many different seaons and the fact that you are not confined to making a city movie. NYC you can only make city movies, LA you can only make summer movies. That is the only nice thing about Buffalo. Movie can be any season and we can go into the country to make a civil war epic if need be.
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Old July 31st, 2002, 03:25 PM   #34
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Not only that, you can make any season any time of the year.
Want an artic scene? You can be standing in snow in July within a 2 hr. drive of the city.

Mountains, oceans, fields, lakes, and even a desert-like area just a few hours away.

The only real problem is the constant overcast sky and probable rain, throughout most of the year.

PS. GO LEAFS! I lived in Toronto before I moved here.
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Old July 31st, 2002, 03:48 PM   #35
Air China Pilot
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper :

PS. GO LEAFS! I lived in Toronto before I moved here. -->>>

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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:16 PM   #36
New Boot
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Location: Macon, Ga
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Working hard, trying to make it happen.

I can feel everyone on this thread. I work from 11am to 7pm as a supervisor for a fortune 500 company, I am newly married and in the process of buying a home. My wife works at the same company. We make good salaries but of course, cost of living really sucks the life out of that paycheck.
I have always wanted to do film. Always has been my ambition, but I never had the guts to follow through. Back in 97' I wrote a dynamite short entitled "rain". And I sat on it. I've written many others also since then. Sat on them also. But, then on my 34th birthday I had what alcoholics refer to as a "moment of clarity" and promised myself or made a "mental contract" with myself to make my film come hell or high water. That was in June. Now it's January and I have my cast assembled, location secured, script written and ready to shoot. But no DP and no XL1. Can't afford one, especially with us attempting to close on a home. I want to shoot in mini DV with the XL1 but I do have a small panasonic palmcorder vhsC. I'm going to shoot with what I have while trying to save up and get the XL1. This is a painstaking process and very disheartening at times. I live in a city (Macon, Ga), that is artistically catatonic. My actors are either friends or local theater students, the students are very excited and ready to rock and roll. "rain" is my first shoot but it won't be my last. I want to make films full time and this is what i'm going to do, I will not stop, ever. My wife isn't the most believing or supportive of my ambition and we have had our battles but I will not stop. You only have one life to live and you have to do what it is that fulfills your heart and allows you to self actualize. With out that, what is your life really all about.
Anyways, everything is going along ever so slowly. It will get better, I will acquire the equipment, sharpen my skills and reach my goal...good luck to everyone out there, continue to share your stories. You are an inspiration.
Alonzo Anderson
Macon, Georgia
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:25 PM   #37
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I'll come DP it for you if you like if Macon isn't that far a drive from Vancouver? Can I drive there in a day? :)
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:27 PM   #38
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Re: Working hard, trying to make it happen.

<<<-- Originally posted by Alonzo Anderson :
Anyways, everything is going along ever so slowly. It will get better, I will acquire the equipment, sharpen my skills and reach my goal...good luck to everyone out there, continue to share your stories. You are an inspiration. -->>>

To steal a phrase: "Just do it"

I love reading stuff like this, as it inspires me to keep pushing forward with my filmmaking dreams.

Nice write up.
Paul Sedillo
Houston, Texas
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:28 PM   #39
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper : I'll come DP it for you if you like if Macon isn't that far a drive from Vancouver? Can I drive there in a day? :) -->>>
I dare you to make the drive to Houston... Always looking for a good DP.
Paul Sedillo
Houston, Texas
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:30 PM   #40
New Boot
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didnt' mean to post it twice...sorry.....hey dylan you serious?...come on down, get some southern hospitality!! we have great food!!!!

Thanks :0)
Alonzo Anderson
Macon, Georgia
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:38 PM   #41
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Alonzo, I'd better look up Macon on a map first before I make any promises. :)

Paul, I drove a Corvette from almost Mexico to Vancouver in 22 hours. Don't think Texas is out of my range. ;) It was one hell of a trip. Pictures and the story can be seen here...
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:40 PM   #42
New Boot
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Thanks Paul

Good luck to you dude. If Dylan can make it to Houston, he can make it to Georgia!!!!!!!
Alonzo Anderson
Macon, Georgia
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:43 PM   #43
New Boot
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Macon is a place far, far, away

Dylan, if you can make it to Georgia in 22 hours i'll run through downtown macon butt naked! Its far, far away!...

Alonzo Anderson
Macon, Georgia
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Old January 14th, 2003, 09:49 PM   #44
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper :
Paul, I drove a Corvette from almost Mexico to Vancouver in 22 hours. Don't think Texas is out of my range. ;) It was one hell of a trip. Pictures and the story can be seen here... -->>>

"Dylan Couper" - Paul's hero of the week!

Dude that story ROCKS! I loved the pictures. What did you shoot them with? Ok, your hired for my next production. Can you be here by Thursday? :)
Paul Sedillo
Houston, Texas
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Old January 14th, 2003, 10:02 PM   #45
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Damn, I just looked at a map. For some reason I was thinking Georgia was where Kansas is.

Needless to say, I will NOT be driving to Macon! Sorry. :)

Paul, all those pictures were taken with my trusty Canon S100 digital Elph. As you can imagine I was travelling light. Just the camera, CD player, and a towel.

I'm snowboarding Thursday so I won't be able to make it to Texas. Sorry :)
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