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Old May 10th, 2004, 01:16 PM   #16
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"Yeah, and the better 1/3 chipper :)"

i mean:

"Yeah, and the better 1/4 chipper :)"
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Old May 10th, 2004, 01:18 PM   #17
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Image stabilizers (whether electronic or optical) are made to keep the image steady. So, any time the camera moves, the stabilizer tries to compensate for the movement.

If you're camera is on a tripod and you try to make a smooth pan, the stabilizer will counteract that movement. What you wind up with is a jarring start to the pan, and a jarring stop.

It is very difficult to make smooth pans and tilts with the stabilizer on, and your footage winds up looking worse for it.

Use the stabilizer if you are shooting hand held, or on a monopod maybe...but for tripod work it is best to turn it off.


Sorry, didn't realize others had already answered this by the time I posted.
Luis Caffesse is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 10th, 2004, 08:12 PM   #18
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<<<-- Originally posted by Prech Marton : Thank you guys!

I want to make a relaxing production in dvd format.
Most shoot will be not handheld, instead i have a manfrotto monopod. Optical stabilization work fine, i hope. When should i switch this off? Never?

"go to your nearest dealer and get a feel of both units. "

Yeah, but here in Hungary this isn't a possible way :(
I can order a camera, and when it arrives i pay.
Get a feel? Not in the dealer in this camera price range :(

A new question:
vx2000 has a really cool info lithium battery.
with canon's largest battery there is just a little 4 or 5 segment battery indicator.
If just 1 segment is lit, then i don't know how many capacity is left? 1 hour or 2 minute? Any idea? -->>>

even with a monopod, a lighter unit is still better...

the GL2 has an estimated time left indicator similar to Sony's Infolithium system... you shouldn't worry about that :)

in my opinion here are the biggest strenghts of both units against each other:


Better ergonomics
Better controls (controls are easier to access)
Lighter and a bit more compact
Wider and Longer Zoom range
Better Audio Quality
Better Audio Controls


Awesome Low-light performance
Has a manual zoom ring (although it is servo controlled - response isn't good)
1/3" CCD's
Gerald Yuvallos is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 13th, 2004, 05:02 PM   #19
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<<<-- Originally posted by Prech Marton : Thank you guys!

IA new question:
vx2000 has a really cool info lithium battery.
with canon's largest battery there is just a little 4 or 5 segment battery indicator.
If just 1 segment is lit, then i don't know how many capacity is left? 1 hour or 2 minute? Any idea? -->>>

The Canon shows you estimated battery reserves on the screen. I also have a Sony with the "Info Lithium" system and it's pretty much just hype. All the LiIon batteries have some teeny weeney little processor that controls the charging and can tell you about how much juice you have left.

Sony just makes a bigger deal out of it. Do you really need to know "how much" time in minutes you have left. You should be thinking about the subject, not the camera anyway.

My approach to this is to get a BIG battery (8 hours) and never have to worry about it.....
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Old May 13th, 2004, 07:14 PM   #20
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I think all the 1/3" chip cameras have optical stabilization.
My 2 DVL9500's have a 1/3" CCD but only DIS.
Most shoot will be not handheld, instead i have a manfrotto monopod. Optical stabilization work fine, i hope. When should i switch this off? Never?
I would switch it off when using a mono-pod.
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Old May 13th, 2004, 08:28 PM   #21
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I meant 1/3" X 3.
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Old May 13th, 2004, 09:22 PM   #22
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I know what you meant; I just had to slip it in. :-))
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Old May 14th, 2004, 08:53 AM   #23
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Yeah, my BS detector was flashing yellow. Not all the way up to red, but definitely in the yellow zone.
Too bad nobody is making a single chip 1/3" chip consumer camera anymore...or does JVC still make that?
Bill Pryor is offline   Reply

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