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Old May 2nd, 2004, 12:03 PM   #16
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JVC GR-DV800 Firewire Problem

I've seen a number of other postings of people who can't seem to get their camcorders to work with their computers via firewire. I recently purchased a JVC GR-DV800U. I have two OHCI firewire cards in my system: a Texas Instruments OCHI compliant card and my motherboard's (Asus A7N8X Deluxe). Neither one likes the JVC camcorder and both demand drivers. The result? A Yellow Question Mark listing in my XP Professional Device Listing in my Device Manager. And my expensive Adobe Premiere Pro, which I just purchased, is useless until my camcorder is recognized.

I've turned off my Norton AV, quit my Zone Alarm and have taken my driver request window to my Windows/inf folder to see if there was anything there it liked. But no.

The Yellow Question Mark listing actually contains the name of my camcorder, so I know the firewire cable is okay. And of course JVC's support people seem to be low grade idiots. "Guess it doesn't work with your firewire cards," one said lamely. He suggested I go buy a Pinnacle software package. Morons!

Does anyone else have this problem and solved it? I'd love to find out how to get past this.


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Old May 6th, 2004, 12:10 PM   #17
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raynox hd7000 pro

is this lens as good as canon' wd58h?

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Old May 6th, 2004, 06:30 PM   #18
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External HD woes

Just got done capturing to my external Maxtor 200gig drive. 3 clips 1 small one about 3 minutes and two long ones, one an hour and the other a half an hour.

Anyway I captured these clips on an empty HD, I went into defrag just out of curiosity and I see ALL red accept a small little section. Apparently when I captured the small clip first and then went to capture the other two larger clips it started writing the data for the larger clip(s) BEFORE the smaller clip on the HD. So it filled until it hit the smaller clip and continued writing AFTER the smaller clip, essentially fragmenting my long 1hour single file AVI.

Is there any way to avoid this? Why does XP handle files like this?! Shouldn't the first (small clip) that I captured first be in the beginning of the drive? If so then I wouldn't of had any fragmentation!

Second Problem:
During the defrag I lean over to pull the plug on my PD-170...stupid me, I pull the plug on the HD accidently, right in the middle of a defrag. Needless to say defrag hung ...and crashed, and gave me some error message saying it could not recover "xxx" file (some file I never even heard of). Anyway I go back to check the drive and all the footage is there- I open my NLE and it seems to play fine.

Could my stupid mistake caused some sort of unseen corruption in my media on the drive and I just don't know it yet? Like I said it seemed to play fine but I didn't go and check every minute of it.

Finally...I'm running disc error checking just for the heck of it- I wish I never had...it's doing a sector scan on a 200gig drive....moving at a snails pace. UGH! *Sometimes I really doubt my intelligence*
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Old May 6th, 2004, 09:56 PM   #19
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batteries for sony pvm 8044q

I'm likely about to get a Sony PVM 8044q 8" monitor, or similar model, and want to make sure I don't get the wrong batteries for it. . .the monitor is compatible with BP-90 batteries, and maybe other kinds as well. ON B&H's site, they're listed as BP-90 battery packs, right? And list for approximately $35 each? How long do they last? It didn't say when I looked them up. Any pros/cons I should be especially aware of with these guys?
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Old May 11th, 2004, 03:57 PM   #20
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DVD Reader (Drive) Advice Needed!

This may be a silly newbie question but I have been searching here for two days and can't find the answer. Actually, I have been searching the internet for close to a week without success.

What internal CD-DVD reader (NOT BURNER)will read all formats? It will be installed with a MSI DR8-A2 for writing.

I found a cheap $17 drive which specified seperatly all formats except DVD-RAM. Unfortunately, when I tried to purchase it, it was not in stock. Then, I have found maybe four posts here where members state they have found the "perfect" drive. Unfortunately, they did not give the make/model.

My criteria is as follows:

Reads all standard CD disks including photo disks

Reads +- R/RW

Hopefully, reads DVD-RAM & DVD-ROM

---> FAST FOR DAE <---

At least 48X read for CD

As fast as possible for DVD

Under $20

Yeah, the last WAS a joke.

Anyone help with this?
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Old May 13th, 2004, 02:17 PM   #21
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Algolith, anyone going to use it?

Is anyone going to be using Algolith's plug-ins any time soon? If so, could you let us know how it works out? Thanks!

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Old May 17th, 2004, 01:09 PM   #22
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technical question about 35mm lense and anamorphic adapter


i have a pl mounted konvas lense that has 37mm-140mm.
i made the following test. i put the canon xl-1 with mini35 and the lense in front of the wall (37mm), 55 inch away from the front lense. now i measured how much it covered and it covered around 37 inch of the wall.
now i put the anamorphic adapter in front of it (a konvas too i guess and 2:1 from what i know) same setup, same distance (even around 4 inch closer to the wall when you take the adapter in account) and it covered 67 inch !

so what i would like to know is the following. when that 37mm normally would cover 37 inch of the wall and with ana adapter 67 inch of the wall, the ana adapter acts like a wide angle converter too ? well it looks like that. and when someone who knows how to calculate that would calculate that now, what would be the equivalent mm of that lense now ? around 20mm ?

i hope i described everything and you know what i mean ;-)

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Old May 17th, 2004, 02:37 PM   #23
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For all you UK guys living close to London

Hi Guys,

I know its a bit late, but the UK Broadcast Production show is on this week until Thursday 20th May. It's held at Olympia in London.


I'll be there all week...
Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old June 3rd, 2004, 06:40 AM   #24
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NY Times article on Ultra HD TVs

7,680 pixels by 4,320 pixels. Wow. Can the human eye even see that many pixels from seven feet away?


(you need to register to be able to read this article)
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Old June 11th, 2004, 07:05 PM   #25
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Used Cameras and equipment?

Does anyone have any suggestions about buying a used camera anywhere online? I live in Salt Lake City, and there aren't ANY stores that carry new or used professional camcorders. I have watched cameras on eBay, but I can't necessarily find what I'm looking for. Any help would be great-
Or, if anyone has a Panasonic DVC200 or a JVC DV5000U they'd be willing to part with.... let me know. Thanks again.
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Old June 13th, 2004, 02:07 PM   #26
John Carey
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Has anyone tried the "Steady Stick"

Hey, Im about to buy a Steady stick for a PD170 and I want to know if anyone has used this. If so, how is it, what are the pro's and cons?

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Old June 13th, 2004, 08:35 PM   #27
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MXProDV Digital Video Mixer

Looking at getting a mixer for some new job options. I'd like to hear from anyone that has or has used the MXProDV Digital Video Mixer. I'll be feeding two digital and one or two analog inputs into it and sending the output to either a DSR 45 or to an analog deck (SVHS).

Any experiences good or bad would be appreciated. I've read about some audio stability issues in other posts so I'm especially interested in those.

Thanks in advance.

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Old June 19th, 2004, 04:39 PM   #28
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Iindustry standard for wide-angle lens size

Is there an industry standard for wide angle lens size. I mean it may be a very subjective question but if there is what is it (i.e. .70X, .65X, .50X, etc.)

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Old June 20th, 2004, 01:13 PM   #29
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Jump Back Sources

Does anyone have a source for free jumpbacks (video loops) that can be downloaded? I have picked up a couple from the SonyMedia site and a couple of others that offers some free samples but need about 10 abstract varied color jump backs for DVD production and Premier backgrounds.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, TNX,

Miguel Lombana
http://www.miguellombana.com & http://www.phoenixhamradio.com
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Old June 22nd, 2004, 12:17 PM   #30
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converting 24p to PAL

Are there any special considerations in converting mini dv 24p NTSC to PAL?

Specifically, with regards to the dvx-100A, would there be any advantage to using the 24p advanced mode vs. the "Regular" 24p...
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