Need help- is this audio drop-out? at
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Old December 4th, 2003, 09:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 2,898
Need help- is this audio drop-out?

I started a thread originally on the DVX forum regarding a static noise I was exhibiting while adjusting audio levels. I figured a general Open DV forum would draw possible answers from a larger crowd. After I went back and checked the footage from the day I heard that noise I noticed audio anormalities. Every so often I hear what best can be described as digital bleeping noises comming from one or both of the channels. They are feint and only about a millisecond long in duration. It almost sounds like digital distortion but more swift like a quick bleep noise under the audio. It's not very loud, in other words not enough to show up distinctly on the waveform but it's there non the less. Granted this may sound a bit bizzare but I'm describing what I'm hearing to the best of my ability.
In addition to the audio anormalities including one really sloppy 2 second silence (definitly catagorized as a drop-out) I noticed visual artifacting on one of the audio bleeps.

Now this footage was shot as a commercial at a Jewelers. Plus I used the external powercord while recording no battery. I'm just taking shots in the dark but would the security system in the Jewelers affect my camera? How about using the external powercord...would that be the cause of any problems especially beings I'm using an external Senheisser ME66 with phantom power from the cam. I doubt it but figured I'd mention it anyway.

Any and all help will greatly be appreciated!
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Old December 4th, 2003, 01:16 PM   #2
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Vallejo, California
Posts: 4,049
Audio dropout shouldn't cause noise. Just the opposite.

I'd guess an external RFI problem. Could be someone's phone, radio transmitter, security system, radar, distance measuring system or anything else including electrical shorts.

Are you hearing the sound when you play the tape in the camera, during transfer to the editing system, or when the footage is playing in the editing system? Have you looked at the audio waveform in a sound editor that will allow a detailed examination?
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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