VHS to Sony GVD1000 MiniDV recorder (or direct to FCP) at DVinfo.net
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Old March 4th, 2009, 09:59 AM   #1
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VHS to Sony GVD1000 MiniDV recorder (or direct to FCP)


I have a project which requires editing VHS material (some of the footage dates back to the 70's, although being super 8, looks quite good).

My colleague has a Sony GVD1000 Mini DV recorder we were going to use to transfer, but I have to admit to being stumped as to how I can get this footage into there.


The only inputs I can see on the back are 'S Video in' the rest are USB/Firewire and composite outputs (red, white and yellow).
I assumed I could grab a 'scart' to 'S Video' cable and be ok...but I cannot find a way to input audio (and I've been told that the video will not really transfer across the VHS into the S video port - black and white at best).

The other option is to pay somebody to do this (which puts the costs up somewhat - it's not a huge job as it stands) or find a way to use the GVD1000 as a pass through from the VHS player to the Mac (FCP).

Any idea's folks?

Many thanks.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 03:48 PM   #2
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The specs state that it has video and S-video input. I found this image:


The video input is via an AV minijack (the yellow headphone type socket) - a common Sony thing.

Re SCART, unless your VHS deck generates separate luma/chroma signals (unlikely), you can't connect to S-video.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 04:07 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by John Miller View Post
The specs state that it has video and S-video input. I found this image:


The video input is via an AV minijack (the yellow headphone type socket) - a common Sony thing.

Re SCART, unless your VHS deck generates separate luma/chroma signals (unlikely), you can't connect to S-video.
Thanks John - yes, that's the machine.
Ok...it's a very basic VHS player - so I guess there is no way I can personally get this footage into that Sony recorder then...I don't suppose SCART to 1/8" jack is an option (and unless the Audio outputs double up as audio then Audio is out too?).

I honestly thought it would be very straightforward (I ditched all my VHS players a year or two back),

Many thanks.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 06:25 PM   #4
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Hi David....................

A couple of bad URL's got me into a world of trouble trying to give you an answer for this, so have gone back to square one.

The Sony is a no go, but any bog standard MiniDV camcorder with A/v inputs (and most of 'em do have 'em) would do the job.

All that's required at the VHS player end is one of these:


Plug in the A/V cable from the camcorder and away you go.


Last edited by Chris Soucy; March 4th, 2009 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Whoops.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 06:54 PM   #5
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It *does* have composite video input

The information on the Sony website is incorrect. The picture of the unit clearly shows the mini AV input. Refer to pages 32 and 207 of the instruction manual:


This Sony unit has a small (3.5mm) socket for analog input. It's like stereo headphone connector but with four 'rings' instead of three. You can get the required cable quite readily. You don't need the two separate cables as used in the manual - just a 4-ring 3.5mm jack to 3 x phono plug. If you only have SCART output on your VHS machine then you can get a SCART-Phone adapter, too.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 03:30 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Chris Soucy View Post
A couple of bad URL's got me into a world of trouble trying to give you an answer for this, so have gone back to square one.

The Sony is a no go, but any bog standard MiniDV camcorder with A/v inputs (and most of 'em do have 'em) would do the job.

All that's required at the VHS player end is one of these:

Scart Adapter Only 4.39 at TVCables

Plug in the A/V cable from the camcorder and away you go.

I have a couple of older Mini DV camcorders (one is a Panasonic NC-GS120) alongside a JVC HD100) but I can't quite find the correct connections on them: I have FW; Remote/Mic Plug in Power; A/V out phones. Not sure these cams can take any other inputs. I know my colleague has a larger Canon camcorder which may have the correct inputs - I'll check with him. Cheers Chris.

The information on the Sony website is incorrect. The picture of the unit clearly shows the mini AV input. Refer to pages 32 and 207 of the instruction manual:


This Sony unit has a small (3.5mm) socket for analog input. It's like stereo headphone connector but with four 'rings' instead of three. You can get the required cable quite readily. You don't need the two separate cables as used in the manual - just a 4-ring 3.5mm jack to 3 x phono plug. If you only have SCART output on your VHS machine then you can get a SCART-Phone adapter, too.
Yes - noticed the 1/8" mini jack on the Sony but was unsure as to whether I could get a 'three into one' cable to supply the Sony with audio and video...that would be really handy if so (we have a SCART to 3 phono adaptor). Must say I've never heard of this four ring jack...just hope the local suppliers of cables have :)

Many thanks. Will let you know how I get on.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 03:42 AM   #7
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In fact, if you have references to these (even a picture) I'd be most grateful. My online searching isn't throwing anything up as yet...

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Old March 5th, 2009, 06:16 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by David Scattergood View Post
In fact, if you have references to these (even a picture) I'd be most grateful. My online searching isn't throwing anything up as yet...

Here you go (and in the UK, too):


It should be wired the Sony way but it is possible that the video and audio may be different (Panasonic I believe). If so, you just need to swap each connection until you get the right signals. Four Pole Jack sounds like the name of a pirate.

Regarding your camcorders, those for sale in the EU general do/did not have an analog input capability thanks to the extra tariff imposed on non-European VCRs. By not having the inputs, they aren't classified as VCRs.

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Old March 5th, 2009, 06:42 AM   #9
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Here is a better picture of the cable (the four ring jack clearly visible) that comes standard with most Sony camcorders... I have a few of them and I use them quite a bit.

Just search the internet for 'sony rca to jack cable' and you will get hundreds of hits.

Yellow = composite video
Red and white = stereo audio.
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Ervin Farkas
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Old March 5th, 2009, 09:39 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by John Miller View Post
Here you go (and in the UK, too):


It should be wired the Sony way but it is possible that the video and audio may be different (Panasonic I believe). If so, you just need to swap each connection until you get the right signals. Four Pole Jack sounds like the name of a pirate.

Regarding your camcorders, those for sale in the EU general do/did not have an analog input capability thanks to the extra tariff imposed on non-European VCRs. By not having the inputs, they aren't classified as VCRs.

Ha ha! My youngest daughter is into Pirates...you've just given her the pirate name!

Of course - EU and VCR classifications...I'd forgotten about that!

Absolutely fantastic - thanks Chris & Ervin...I'll shall attempt to source one of these locally (although it looks like a web job due it's slightly specialist nature).

Cheers - will report back.
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Old March 10th, 2009, 03:21 PM   #11
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Thanks everyone. Actually those 4 pole jack to 3 phono cables are almost impossible to find on the high street...many a blank face on enquiring about these. Online only it transpires.
Fortunately there was such a set of cables in the original box the Mini DV recorder came in so we've been able to capture the VHS tapes (I'm assuming there are much more higher end solutions to capturing VHS to digital....but really, the quality of much of the footage on these VHS cassettes probably wouldn't warrant such extravagance!).

Cheers all...I haven't seen the digitized footage yet but I'll let you know if any gremlins appear...
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