Varizoom Battery on Anton Bauer Charger? at
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Old December 26th, 2008, 08:33 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Tampa, Florida
Posts: 18
Varizoom Battery on Anton Bauer Charger?

I bought some Varizoom gold mount (3 prong - Anton Bauer style) batteries. They had the similar specs as the cheapest Antons, except much less $$$. Thought I'd give them a shot. I have a Anton Bauer Pro-Logic charger. I thought the Varizoom batteries would work with this charger (same mounts.) But they don't. I tried them, but the charger just keeps flashing [EVALUATE.] I don't want to mess up these batteries or the chargers, so it seems I'm stuck.
I suppose I'm going to have to send these batteries back.

I guess the Varizoom batteries don't have a pro-logic type of chip in them. Would this be why they won't work? In the instructions with the Varizoom batteries it declares I must use only a Varizoom charger. Had I known that (if the retailer had disclosed this) I wouldn't have bought them.

Does anyone know if there is a setting on my charger that I can set to charge these Varizooms, or any non-pro logic battery?
Its a used charger and I have no manual. I really don't know much about it, other than I slap batteries on it and when the light turns green I use 'em. haha.

If you have any ideas as to how I can charge these Varizooms w/out buying another charger I'd love to know. Thanks!

Anton Bauer Quad Power/Charger Inter Active 2000

Field/Back up Charger: Anton Bauer Lifesaver Q2 Charger. Inter Active Logic Series

New Batteries:
Varizoom S-8080A 14.4V 88Wh Lithium ion
LunarVue Media Services
Tampa, Florida
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Old December 26th, 2008, 08:59 PM   #2
New Boot
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Location: Tampa, Florida
Posts: 18
I found my answer. Anton Bauer has a manual online:

"NOTE: Due to the specialized communications between the charger and the
battery, batteries without the Logic Series construction and
communication capability (manufactured by Anton/Bauer before 1989
as well as so-called “rebuilds”) can not be charged with this
PowerCharger. The InterActive communication of Logic Series
batteries is the key which allows the PowerCharger to safely identify and
address new style and chemistry batteries as they are developed.
Moreover, this communication ensures that batteries contain the quality
cells, workmanship and safety of genuine Anton/Bauer products. If non-
Logic Series batteries are placed on the PowerCharger, a message will
appear accompanied by alternating flashing red and green LED
indicators. This indication means that the battery cannot communicate
its identity to the PowerCharger and is not charging."

I suppose, the Varizooms are not "digital" therefore not going to work. Would the digital varizooms work on my digital Anton Bauer charger? The Antons are so expensive, and I often wonder are their guts really any different from the budget batteries like the Varizoom. The cells all probably come from the same place manufacturer, right? Are the Anton's cells matched or something?

If anyone has any other insight, ideas, or knows a good cheap charger for non-digital batteries like these Varizooms, I'd love to hear 'em.
What's the big deal with the digital batteries anyway? What benefit is there to them being digital?
LunarVue Media Services
Tampa, Florida
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Old December 26th, 2008, 10:32 PM   #3
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The digital circuitry is very important in the case of Lithium-Ion batteries. Their charging has to be well regulated or a nasty fire can result. The charger evaluates the cells and their charge capacity, then proceeds to charge, and finishes with balancing them out. The thing is, AB has their proprietary communication between the two. Other manufacturers do the same even though their battery may have the gold mount style connection. You might find that the AB batteries would be rejected by the Varizoom charger as well.

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Old December 26th, 2008, 11:50 PM   #4
New Boot
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Location: Tampa, Florida
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Greg Boston View Post
The digital circuitry is very important in the case of Lithium-Ion batteries. Their charging has to be well regulated or a nasty fire can result. The charger evaluates the cells and their charge capacity, then proceeds to charge, and finishes with balancing them out. The thing is, AB has their proprietary communication between the two. Other manufacturers do the same even though their battery may have the gold mount style connection. You might find that the AB batteries would be rejected by the Varizoom charger as well.

Thanks. Yeah, that stinks. I suppose I'll try to send 'em back and just get off my wallet and get the AB's. I knew those Varizoom batteries were too good to be true.
LunarVue Media Services
Tampa, Florida
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Old December 27th, 2008, 01:29 PM   #5
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Just think about it, why would AB allow other less expensive and likely lesser quality batteries to be charged on their charger? They already have the communication link implemented for diagnostics and other purposes. To lock out the 3d party products is a small task, just a few extra lines of code. On the other hand, the 3d party chargers most likely will charge the AB batteries as the batteries by themselfs do not have a way to reject the other chargers.
Alex Dolgin
Dolgin Engineering
Camera DC Power accessories, Fast 4 position Battery Charger
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