MiniDV-DV-AVI-MPEG-VCD-DVD-*VHS* Difference? at
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Old March 19th, 2002, 01:52 PM   #1
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MiniDV-DV-AVI-MPEG-VCD-DVD-*VHS* Difference?

K question for you guys or I wanna here your guyes opinon.

Well heres the process...

1) Record Video
2) Export Video MiniDV-Computer
3) Edit Video with Premiere no quality loss from extraction to Computer
4) Export Video from Computer-VHS

Now my question is what is the diff if I use a DV cam? Will the VHS quality be the same or diff.

Isn't there almost no diff in quality if you use a DV or a Mini or a D8 when you edit it on a computer. Only the colors may change?

This question arises because I want to make a video on VHS but I've seen what mass production of a video on VHS can do. (DOWN GRADE THE QUALITY)

Much Aloha

Basically whats the breakdown in quality anyone know a detailed breakdown?
RACESAUCE DOT COM |Equipment: PD-150|
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Old March 19th, 2002, 04:05 PM   #2
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The difference from DV and VHS is that VHS is linear and DV is digitall..

The quality in DV is far greater than VHS, ofcourse!

But your transfer from DV to VHS will reduce the quality due to the medium.

To save quality in your image you can capture uncompressed, and

edit in uncompressed, though you digital video files will be far larger and take

up more space..

I use a DV compresor thus the quality loss is vaguely if not completely

unnoticable to the eye.

Though your footage will "look" better if shot with DV and dubbed to

VHS as opposed to just shooting with VHS. DV cam has no visual quality

enhancment but is higher in resolution.

So basicall no matter what you shoot with you VHS tape quality will remain

the same being that its, its own medium, though what you shoot with has

a major effect on what yout image looks like!

Its just like taking a photgraph and copying it on a color copier. looks

primaraly the same but loss of quality
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Old March 19th, 2002, 05:15 PM   #3
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Hey thanx

Thanx that was well put..
RACESAUCE DOT COM |Equipment: PD-150|
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Old March 20th, 2002, 07:01 PM   #4
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If you start off with good quality all the way through to the last step, it is much better than starting and staying at low resolution. Everything I shoot I shoot on DV,even though I know that after all the editing and other post-work is done I will inevitably be required to dub off onto VHS for distribution to the end viewers in my business environment. But at least we are only introducing one generation of loss at the final VHS dub, by keeping it digital till the very end. My method is to send the finished edit back out to DV tape and use that as a dubbing master direct into my distribution amplifier. Having said that, there is nothing you can do to make your VHS tapes look like a DVD.

If I'm not mistaken, mini DV is 520 lines of resolution (yes, better than Betacam SP)-- VHS is a mere 240 lines, to say nothing of the signal/noise ratio difference.

I ain't straight outta Compton, I'm straight out the trailer. Cuss like a sailor, drink like a Mc. My only words of wisdom are just, "Radio Edit."
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Old March 24th, 2002, 10:42 AM   #5
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check your resolution numbers again. are you talking what the camera is capable of or the tape medium. you are right, always use the highest resolution in all regards. except for effect, speed, quality, time, harddrive space and cockpit error. peace.
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Old March 24th, 2002, 02:01 PM   #6
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So If I Import onto my computer from a DV Camcorder and wanted to export onto VHS? Do I need to minimize the resolution becuase I have had problems with the TV cutting off the picture becuase the picture was to big? I believe the screen size for VHS is 300x360? Thanx everyone for all the iinfo..
RACESAUCE DOT COM |Equipment: PD-150|
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Old March 24th, 2002, 02:03 PM   #7
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Ohh also what is the difference between Broadcast Quality(400x360) and VHS (300x360)? Does broadcast mean TV? or does it mean something else? I found this info from...
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