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Old September 20th, 2008, 08:43 AM   #91
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Renting a lipstick/cigar cam in Toronto

I made another post about me filming a 50km trail ultra marathon (on the Canon GL2 forum) and I was considering using either of the cameras that I own: GL2 or a smaller sony DCR-HC32 that I use mainly for capturing footage.

I've been doing some research on this site and I was wondering if anyone knew of a place in Toronto (downtown prefereably) where I could rent a lipstick cam? I'm not sure if this will be a solution to my project requirements - but they're pretty expensive so I'd like to rent first. Thanks.

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Old October 14th, 2008, 01:34 AM   #92
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1 man multicam webcasting?

I'm researching setting up a not-for-broadcast 1 man kit for capturing live music recordings with multiple cameras (aimed at youtube and myspace etc - I'm not overly concerned with broadcast engineering technical specs), in conjunction with a local community music venue. I'm looking at the feasibility of using 720x576 500 line cameras designed for security purposes with PTZ control, converting output to firewire (probably from composite) and using Wirecast software on a Macbook Pro for vision switching to QT. I was wondering if anyone has tackled this, and if so what equipment you used and what problems you encountered? Also are there any better software or better resolution camera solutions? Also are there any off-the-shelf solutions to the 'low budget OB van without the van' concept available or emerging? It probably crosses over into VJ territory.
Thanks in advance John Reed
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Old October 15th, 2008, 08:47 PM   #93
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Fatal Errors

As a newbie to video / HD video - I would like to know what the really fatal technical errors are - things that can not be easily corrected in post processing.

I am guessing:

Poor primary audio
Improper depth of field
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Old October 21st, 2008, 03:12 PM   #94
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WiFi(do) cam

Not exactly up to Steadicam standards and not quite up to Red resolution, but interesting none the less. With further training and an enhanced pixel count (and colour) could this be the solution for weddings and concerts you don't really want to do yourself?

BBC NEWS | England | Dog cameras combat gun crime

(Disclaimer: This link may not work in some countries)
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 02:23 PM   #95
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LaCie drives set at HFS+ 64kb for FCP

Five years ago I corresponded with LaCie and they told me to reformat their drives at HFS+ 64kb for use with Final Cut Pro. I noted, as well, that when reformatting, using the utility CD Silverlining Pro that Lacie used to include with their external hard drives, that when you chose HFS+ 64kb the message came: "Faster manipulation of larger files or streaming video".

What I notice now with the new LaCies I'm buying is that they no longer include the CD but have on the drive something called Silverkeeper. No more Silverlining Pro. And this new utility no longer gives you an option to reformat at 64KB. What I've been able to do is keep using my Silverlining Pro to reformat at 64KB.

Does anybody know why LaCie no longer gives a formating utility with this option? I am assuming that their earlier advice about the value of 64kb still holds. Certainly I have no problem using these drives with Final Cut Pro after I've reformatted them. Or have things changed with these drives and FCP such that there is no longer any advantage to reformating at HFS+ 64kb?

Any thoughts out there?


Canada John
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Old October 24th, 2008, 01:43 AM   #96
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Question About Lens Hood , Help!

Hi everyone! I need to buy a lens hood for a Fujinon S16x7.3BRM-68 Lens (this lens comes with the SONY DVCAM 390PK2) Could you tell me what model of the Cavision lens hood fits with this lens? I think it could be the LH100P / LH100M Cavision Lens Hood for Standard Lens
maybe with a 85mm adapter ring, but I have to be sure because a friend is going to BHphoto in NY and as he doesnt know anything about cams and lenses, I have to give him the right model.

Do you know another (cheap) solution?

Thank you very much in advance

Alberto Saiz
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Old October 30th, 2008, 09:25 AM   #97
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Uncontrollable shutter problem

I have an older JVC GR-DVL9800 camcorder. It started having trouble about 4 years ago, where it would look and sound like the actual shutter mechanism was clicking away and causing my video to look like an old time movie with the lights blinking on and off. It gets worse when the subject is brightly lit, and better in darker locations.

I eventually bought an HD camcorder, and put the JVC away. But I found it recently and was curious if anyone ever figured out what this problem was and if can be fixed. I'd like to use this camera as an SD backup because it shoots in Progressive Scan.

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Old November 18th, 2008, 05:51 PM   #98
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Schneider Optics 3x3 Filter Sale - 50% to 80% off

If anyone owns a matte box that accepts 3x3 filters, we are having a clearance sale through any DV Info Sponsor dealer of your choice. Please email me with any interest and pricing. 50% to 80% off of normal prices. Schneider 3x3 filters as low as $25.00.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics
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Old November 21st, 2008, 05:40 AM   #99
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Disc makers forte - good dvd-replicator ?

I am concidering buying a dvd-replicator.

Came over this one and need some inputs if this is a good cheap alternative, or if it falls apart after a week.

Anyone have any input?

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Old November 24th, 2008, 01:46 AM   #100
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Super 8 processing

Is Walmart still accepting Super 8 film for processing at their photo department?
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Old November 25th, 2008, 09:05 AM   #101
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What camera did they use? - Hangar No. 5 and Tower Block (Hochhaus)

Hi everyone,

I've been searching around for information on these two movies, but I haven't been able to find shooting information on either one.

Hangar No. 5 (Hangar No. 5 | Official Site | Summer 2008) -
Fun action movie with large amounts of Blender. There are some behind the scenes shots that show the camera but I don't have enough knowledge to know what it is. Anybody have any guesses (or have inside knowledge)?

Tower Block (Hochhaus)
Despite my aforementioned lack of knowledge classmates still come to me asking if I can find/know which camera was used on a specific film. We watched this German short in screenwriting and the professor said, when asked if the film was shot on digital, "well of course, look at it".
The trailer is here:
YouTube - HOCHHAUS Trailer [2006]

In fact, I'd be impressed if anyone has seen it, I know I wouldn't have if it hadn't been shown to me.

Thanks for any help.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 09:25 PM   #102
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Datavideo SE-800 switcher question

My church has been running the SE-800 for about a year now, and it's working out pretty good. We only have a two camera set up so far, but they'd like us to add the VPU feed as a third input. Is there a problem in doing this? I know that Datavideo sells a graphics unit, and I'm also wondering if anyone out there has any experience with it? If so, tell me a bit about it!
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Old December 7th, 2008, 09:44 AM   #103
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Vision Mİxer Question

We are working on a İPTV channel in Turkey(PAL) so i need a advice on a vision mixer which i will be using with hpx-500 and dsr-450-350-300-400 dvcam camcorders to do some virtual studio work.......İ am planing to do the virtual studio with a 3d generated studio with 5 angles of views so i can change the background while changing the camera.Which vision mixer will give me ability to do this.........with the lowest cost.İ am short on budget....!!!
İ will be pleased and thankful if you help me.......=)
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Old December 7th, 2008, 01:30 PM   #104
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Newtek VT,2,3,4,5

Can İ upgrade to VT5 from VT2 if i have the VT2 card?
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Old December 16th, 2008, 11:30 AM   #105
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White Christmas

Just saw this - nicely done and appropriate to the season, so thought I'd share it.

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Will it be a white Christmas?
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