Kind of a which camera, but a specific comparison at
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Old December 6th, 2007, 10:54 PM   #1
Regular Crew
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Kind of a which camera, but a specific comparison

I have asked this elsewhere and wanted to see what folks here thought.

Just had to have my vx2100 firewire repaired.

I want to get another camcorder(SD, don't need HD). My main concern is Low light....mostly home movies of kids and so forth. I am tempted to get another 2100 before they go out of production whenever that is and stash it for when this one goes for good.

Another one that has been brought to my attention is the DVX100B.

And the other is the PD170.

I understand the 170 is essentially the vx2100 and as good in low light as the 2100, right?

These are the 3 to compare but if the VQ and lo light is as good on the PD 170 as the 2100, then the comparison is down to 2. the 2100/170 and the 100B

I know the quality is great on the 100B, my main concern/question is how is it in low light? Compared to the 2100? Is there any out there who have used both and can shed some light.
Understand that I shoot mainly in the full auto mode, so my question on low light is based on shoooting auto mode. I am not a pro.
If the 2100 is still the better choice, then how much better than the 100B is it? And is the difference in lo light between the two, that I(who is not a pro), would notice it between the 2?

Thanks All..Jerry

PS if this is the wrong place to post this, sorry.
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Old December 7th, 2007, 02:10 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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The PD170 is essentially the VX2100 on roids, well not quite.

On top of everything the VX2100 does, you get two XLR mic inputs with phantom power if you want it.

I think you can go into extra menus for finding out how many load cycles and drums hours it has up.

Some say there may be a higher quality control benchmark for the parts but the veracity of thast suggestion I have no backup for.

Last edited by Bob Hart; December 7th, 2007 at 02:16 AM. Reason: added text.
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Old December 7th, 2007, 06:43 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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PD170 is the exact same camera as the VX2100 as far as optics and electronics that affect picture - the difference is that the PD has a few additional features that make it a "prosumer" camera while the VX is considered consumer. The DVX is low budget film makers' dream machine, its main strength is the 24 fps progressive recording which makes video look kind of like film (not quite).

The Pana lags far behind these two Sonys as far as low light, so if low light is indeed a major requirement for you, then stay away from the DVX - nothing in this price range beats these Sonys.

And one other thing to help you decide: generally all Sony cameras have a sharper, cooler "video look" while Canon and Panasonic cameras go mostly after the smoother, rich color film look.
Ervin Farkas
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Old December 7th, 2007, 10:44 AM   #4
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Thanks folks, that kind of seals it, will get another sony, maybe the 170 if it is essentially the same as the 2100 in low light. Thansk so much..

Last edited by Jerry Gordon; December 7th, 2007 at 10:06 PM.
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