Where to start Pinnacle MediaSuite 10? at DVinfo.net
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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:34 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Posts: 11
Where to start Pinnacle MediaSuite 10?


I got 3 CDs and installed all of them. The first 2 CDs contained Pinnacle Studio 10 and the 3rd CD contained MediaSuite. After having installed everything, I can only see the Studio 10 icon on my desktop. I also went to the install folder and could only discover the starter for Studio 10. How does this MediaSuite work now? Is it just a software that adds new functions to the normal Studio 10 or is it a completely new program?

Thanks in advance!
Live from Tel Aviv, Israel.

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Old December 6th, 2006, 11:51 PM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Ariel Fleischer

I got 3 CDs and installed all of them. The first 2 CDs contained Pinnacle Studio 10 and the 3rd CD contained MediaSuite. After having installed everything, I can only see the Studio 10 icon on my desktop. I also went to the install folder and could only discover the starter for Studio 10. How does this MediaSuite work now? Is it just a software that adds new functions to the normal Studio 10 or is it a completely new program?

Thanks in advance!
I ordered the Pinnacle Studio 10 plus upgrade with MediaSuite also. The 4th disc is a DVD with a lot of "stuff" on it. Most of it is very sophisticated "trial version" stuff that I could find very little documentation or use for.

The 3rd disc installs either Paint Shop Pro or Corel (I forget which) but since I already have and use Adobe Photoshop Elements that turned out to be an inconvenience since installing the other software made it the default still image editor and complicated my use of Photoshop.

On subsequent re-installs I got to where I only install from the first two discs and then call it quits. You need to know, tho, that version 10 has been patched several times and runs much better now. With the original version there was a "glitch" that needed a patch before you could successfully install and run the MediaSuite stuff.

Got to www.pinnaclesys.com and look at their Studio 10 support area. There are several patches you can download and run. Follow their instructions to the letter and I think you'll find it works much better. They just released version 10.7 and I downloaded the patch.

Each patch has improved things. The original install discs I got had functions that were still not unlocked, the first patch fixed that. The next patch I saw was to 10.5 then to 10.5.2 and things finally began working for me with 10.6 and I've done a couple of training videos on DVD with that.

It's a good product but I still only use the stuff installed from the first 2 discs.
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