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Old January 27th, 2003, 01:53 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Export dv to camera or cd

I have been reading all your comments for the last 12months and l have learned a lot. now after started to edit and my project was
ready to be transfered back to camera ,l didnt succeed.can you help me and explain in detail how to transfer to tape.please

Ps. l use firewire inbuilt Audigy soundcard. and premier 6.5 software
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Old January 28th, 2003, 06:14 AM   #2
Major Player
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Export DV to camera or cd

I'll take a shot at your question.

1. Does your camera have DV-in enabled? Many PAL camcorders will send DV out but can't take it in, to avoid a classification that would drive up the cost and retail. If it will accept input via firewire you may still need to enable some menu setting to make it happen.

2. If you're ok there, your project must have remained in broadcast settings (NTSC/PAL) throughout. You can't for example make an MPEG-1 and send it to your camcorder. CD yes, camera no.

3. Can you see the timeline playing in your viewfinder/LCD? If so you should be able to use the manual record button(s) on your camcorder to capture that output. The "better" way involves Premiere's print to tape function, which takes over camera control and allows you to pick the frame where your recording to tape will begin, and shuts down the camcorder when the project plays through completely.

Please post again with specifics if this doesn't get you there.
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Old January 29th, 2003, 01:23 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Many thanks to David Hurdon for your information and interest
so that l solved my problems.
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Old January 29th, 2003, 03:20 PM   #4
RED Code Chef
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Holland
Posts: 12,514
What was your problem, and what did you do to fix it? This might
be of interest to other readers who have a similar question.


Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old February 2nd, 2003, 06:20 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
The problems were when the project was already edited and tried
to make a tape copy inside the camera l was using the wrong
settings,even when try to make a vcd copy again l did not use
what the software premier 6.5 was asking to use.After that l made a written note of all settings for future projects. after all
it seems that all trouble was created by myself and lack of concentration. hope that this is cleared.
many thanks for your site.

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